Early release and other precautions taken at Southern California jails wary of coronavirus
3 min read
Southern California jails are releasing some low-level inmates early, checking new arrivals for fever and taking other precautions to prevent the novel coronavirus from taking hold behind bars.
With thousands of inmates packed into close quarters, county jails seem an unlikely place to accomplish “social distancing,” or staying six feet away from other people. But there is more breathing room in Los Angeles County jails, where the population has been reduced by 6 percent to 16,017, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The Times reported arrests have fallen an average 300 daily to 60 as Sheriff Alex Villanueva put out the word countywide for deputies and police to issue citations, whenever possible, instead of taking misdemeanor suspects to jail.
Inside the 5,000-inmate jail, people showing flu-like symptoms are treated, rehoused and isolated from the rest of the population, as advised by the county health agency, Braun said.
It is up to health care officials to decide if a COVID-19 test is warranted, she said.
Inmates have been informed of the importance of socially self distancing themselves from other inmates and have been educated on CDC recommendations to prevent infection, spokeswoman Jodi Miller said.
“They are provided with soap to wash their hands,” she added. “If requested, they are also provided with cleaning supplies to clean their cells. Housing units are cleaned regularly and the cleanings have increased. During their time out of their cells, and around other inmates, they have been made aware of the need for personal space.”
In addition, inmates are permitted to watch television news to further educate themselves on ways to stay safe from becoming ill, Miller said.
Deputies have been instructed to notify supervisors and health services staff if they notice any inmate displaying flu symptoms.
“Each facility is equipped with medical staff that is available to assess and treat inmates 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” Miller said. “Each facility has the ability to isolate affected inmates if necessary.”
“Inmates are educated about the importance of staying at least six feet apart while out of their cells,” he said. “Additionally, areas where inmates engage in group activities are spacious and allow for social distancing. We also use buses to transport few inmates (at a time) to accomplish social distancing.”
Just as in San Bernardino and Orange counties, those incarcerated in Riverside County jails have their temperatures taken when they are booked. Inmates also are encouraged to inform jail and medical staff of any flu-like symptoms, Arballo said. Those who exhibit symptoms are placed in isolation and treated by medical staff.”
With thousands of inmates packed into close quarters, county jails seem an unlikely place to accomplish “social distancing,” or staying six feet away from other people. But there is more breathing room in Los Angeles County jails, where the population has been reduced by 6 percent to 16,017, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The Times reported arrests have fallen an average 300 daily to 60 as Sheriff Alex Villanueva put out the word countywide for deputies and police to issue citations, whenever possible, instead of taking misdemeanor suspects to jail.
OC discusses early release
In Orange County, early release is being discussed, while other methods have been employed to ward off the spread of COVID-19. Everyone arriving at the jail — from vendors to deputies to inmates — are subjected to temperature checks. Those with a fever are not allowed in or are separated for further medical screening, said Orange County Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman Carrie Braun.Inside the 5,000-inmate jail, people showing flu-like symptoms are treated, rehoused and isolated from the rest of the population, as advised by the county health agency, Braun said.
It is up to health care officials to decide if a COVID-19 test is warranted, she said.
Supplies to clean cells
In San Bernardino County, the Sheriff’s Department is handing out extra soap to inmates and encouraging them to follow Centers for Disease Control guidelines.Inmates have been informed of the importance of socially self distancing themselves from other inmates and have been educated on CDC recommendations to prevent infection, spokeswoman Jodi Miller said.
“They are provided with soap to wash their hands,” she added. “If requested, they are also provided with cleaning supplies to clean their cells. Housing units are cleaned regularly and the cleanings have increased. During their time out of their cells, and around other inmates, they have been made aware of the need for personal space.”
In addition, inmates are permitted to watch television news to further educate themselves on ways to stay safe from becoming ill, Miller said.
Deputies have been instructed to notify supervisors and health services staff if they notice any inmate displaying flu symptoms.
“Each facility is equipped with medical staff that is available to assess and treat inmates 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” Miller said. “Each facility has the ability to isolate affected inmates if necessary.”
Enough space for social distancing
At the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department’s five correctional facilities currently housing about 3,700 inmates, those in custody are required to practice social distancing, said Jose Arballo Jr., a spokesman for Riverside University Health System-Public Health.“Inmates are educated about the importance of staying at least six feet apart while out of their cells,” he said. “Additionally, areas where inmates engage in group activities are spacious and allow for social distancing. We also use buses to transport few inmates (at a time) to accomplish social distancing.”
Just as in San Bernardino and Orange counties, those incarcerated in Riverside County jails have their temperatures taken when they are booked. Inmates also are encouraged to inform jail and medical staff of any flu-like symptoms, Arballo said. Those who exhibit symptoms are placed in isolation and treated by medical staff.”
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