
COVID-19: DRDL Hyderabad Develops ‘Sample Collection Kiosk’ For Health Workers

HYDERABAD (Telangana): The DRDL, Hyderabad has developed a first of its kind COVID-19 Sample Collection Kiosk  (COVSACK) for use by health care workers and doctors to take COVID-19 samples from suspected infected patients.

DRDL Project Director Dr Jaiteerth Joshi informed our correspondent that missile technology has been used for developing the Kiosk with mere one lakh rupees.

He said that the Kiosk can be helpful for taking any number of samples and reused within two minutes for the next patient.

The Kiosk, which is a chamber-like structure will be disinfected without human involvement after using once.

Dr Joshi said, two Kiosks have been developed initially and technology is open for the industry for developing in more numbers for the benefit of the nation.

The DRDL has developed the COVSACK in consultation with ESIC Hospital, Hyderabad.

from League of India