
Should brands continue to normally advertise on Twitter during COVID-19?

Twitter brands

According to the data shared by Twitter, only 7% of respondents said brands should continue using their normal brand tone of voice.

To help businesses navigate through the COVID-19 crisis and responsibly use promoted products, the Twitter COVID-19 advertising policy was recently updated. By doing so, they added an extra layer of restrictions to the kind of content that goes up on the platform. There must be no distasteful references to COVID-19 and content must not be sensational or likely to incite panic, among other things.

However, there is still a lot of room left for brands to contemplate on what kind of content is acceptable in the current scenario.

When Twitter asked a panel of users in the US how they felt about advertising during COVID-19, 64% of respondents said brands should continue advertising products as normal. Other observations were as follows:

  • 52% agreed that seeing/hearing ads gives them a sense of normality
  • 77% agreed they feel more positively about brands making an effort to support society at the moment
  • People expect you to change your tone to reflect the new context. Only 7% of respondents said brands should continue using their normal brand tone of voice.

Also Read: How to adapt ad measurement strategy as per COVID-19 impact?

Specific to COVID-19, when asked what brands could do right now that would be useful, 82% of respondents said brands should support frontline health staff. Other data points include:

  • People aren’t just thinking of their own well-being during these times. 86% of respondents said brands should support vulnerable people in their community.
  • Stick to the facts: 89% said brands should provide reliable, accurate information.
  • Despite living in a time of social distancing, 77% of respondents said brands should support their local community.
  • Be transparent: 80% said brands should show how they’re supporting their employees.
  • People need all the help they can get. 70% of respondents said brands should provide prompt customer service.
  • Have a heart: 74% of respondents said brands should showcase acts of kindness.
  • Who couldn’t use a pick-me-up right about now? 70% of respondents said brands should boost positivity and share positive stories.

Twitter hopes that these observations would help brands craft better messages in response to the pandemic.

The post Should brands continue to normally advertise on Twitter during COVID-19? appeared first on Social Samosa.

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