
श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 333

BAAL KAAND – Day 332



दंड प्रनाम सबहि नृप कीन्हे। पूजि सप्रेम बरासन दीन्हे।।
चारि लच्छ बर धेनु मगाई। कामसुरभि सम सील सुहाई।।
सब बिधि सकल अलंकृत कीन्हीं। मुदित महिप महिदेवन्ह दीन्हीं।।
करत बिनय बहु बिधि नरनाहू। लहेउँ आजु जग जीवन लाहू।।
पाइ असीस महीसु अनंदा। लिए बोलि पुनि जाचक बृंदा।।
कनक बसन मनि हय गय स्यंदन। दिए बूझि रुचि रबिकुलनंदन।।
चले पढ़त गावत गुन गाथा। जय जय जय दिनकर कुल नाथा।।
एहि बिधि राम बिआह उछाहू। सकइ न बरनि सहस मुख जाहू।।


बार बार कौसिक चरन सीसु नाइ कह राउ।
यह सबु सुखु मुनिराज तव कृपा कटाच्छ पसाउ।।331।।


The king threw himself upon the ground before them all and worshipping them with love offered them seats of honour. Next he sent for four lakhs of cows, all as gentle and beautiful as the cow of plenty; and adorning them all in every possible way he gladly bestowed them upon the Brahmins. The king supplicated them in many ways and said, “It is only today that I have attained the fruit of my existence.” The delight of the solar race was glad to receive their blessings and then sent for beggars and bestowed on them, according to their liking, gold, wearing apparel, jewels, horses, elephants and chariots. Singing the king’s praises and saying, “Glory, glory, all glory to the lord of the solar race!” they all went away. In this way the rejoicing in connection with Shri Ram’s wedding was more than the thousand-mouthed serpent-king could tell. (1—4)


Again and again, the king bowed his head at the feet of Kaushik and said, “All this joy, O chief of sages, is a gift of your gracious looks.” (331)

from League of India