
श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 337

BAAL KAAND – Day 336



चारिअ भाइ सुभायँ सुहाए। नगर नारि नर देखन धाए।।
कोउ कह चलन चहत हहिं आजू। कीन्ह बिदेह बिदा कर साजू।।
लेहु नयन भरि रूप निहारी। प्रिय पाहुने भूप सुत चारी।।
को जानै केहि सुकृत सयानी। नयन अतिथि कीन्हे बिधि आनी।।
मरनसीलु जिमि पाव पिऊषा। सुरतरु लहै जनम कर भूखा।।
पाव नारकी हरिपदु जैसें। इन्ह कर दरसनु हम कहँ तैसे।।
निरखि राम सोभा उर धरहू। निज मन फनि मूरति मनि करहू।।
एहि बिधि सबहि नयन फलु देता। गए कुअँर सब राज निकेता।।


रूप सिंधु सब बंधु लखि हरषि उठा रनिवासु।
करहि निछावरि आरती महा मुदित मन सासु।।335।।


The people of the city, both men and women, ran to see the four brothers, who were naturally lovely. Said one, “They intend leaving today; King Videha has made all arrangements for their farewell. So let your eyes drink in their beauty; the four princes have been our most welcome guests. Who knows, friend, what virtuous deed we have perfomed, in return for which Providence has unexpectedly brought them before our eyes? Even as a dying man should stumble on nectar or he who has been starving all his life should be able to discover a wish-yielding tree or as one of the damned in hell should attain to the abode of Shri Hari, even so have we been blessed with their sight. Gaze on Shri Ram’s beauty and treasure it in your heart; let your mind fondly cherish His image even as a serpent loves the gem in its hood.” Thus delighting the eyes of all, the four princes went to the royal palace. (1—4)


The ladies of the gynaeceum were transported with joy to behold the four brothers, who were oceans of beauty as it were, and the mothers-in-law in their ecstatic mood scattered gift and waved lights about the bridegrooms. (335)

from League of India