
श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 341

BAAL KAAND – Day 340



बहुबिधि भूप सुता समुझाई। नारिधरमु कुलरीति सिखाई।।
दासीं दास दिए बहुतेरे। सुचि सेवक जे प्रिय सिय केरे।।
सीय चलत ब्याकुल पुरबासी। होहिं सगुन सुभ मंगल रासी।।
भूसुर सचिव समेत समाजा। संग चले पहुँचावन राजा।।
समय बिलोकि बाजने बाजे। रथ गज बाजि बरातिन्ह साजे।।
दसरथ बिप्र बोलि सब लीन्हे। दान मान परिपूरन कीन्हे।।
चरन सरोज धूरि धरि सीसा। मुदित महीपति पाइ असीसा।।
सुमिरि गजाननु कीन्ह पयाना। मंगलमूल सगुन भए नाना।।


सुर प्रसून बरषहि हरषि करहिं अपछरा गान।
चले अवधपति अवधपुर मुदित बजाइ निसान।।339।।


King Janak admonished his daughters in various ways more than one, and instructed them in the duties of a woman as well as in family customs. He bestowed upon Sita a good many men-servants and maid-servants who had been her trusted and favourite attendants. As She proceeded on Her journey the citizens felt miserable; while good omens, which were all fountains of blessings, appeared. Accompanied by a crowd of Brahmins and his counsellors the king himself followed his daughters to escort them. When it was found that the time of departure had come, music began to play and the members of the bridegrooms’ party made ready their chariots, elephants and horses. King Dashrath sent to all the Brahmins and sated them with gifts and courtesy. The king placed the dust of their lotus-feet on his head and was glad to receive their benediction. Invoking the elephant-headed Ganesh, he set out on his journey, when many good omens, which were the roots of felicity, occurred. (1—4)


The gods gladly rained down flowers and heavenly nymphs sang, as the lord of Ayodhyå joyfully set forth for his capital amidst the clash of kettledrums. (339)

from League of India