
श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 351

BAAL KAAND – Day 350



करहिं आरती बारहिं बारा। प्रेमु प्रमोदु कहै को पारा।।
भूषन मनि पट नाना जाती।।करही निछावरि अगनित भाँती।।
बधुन्ह समेत देखि सुत चारी। परमानंद मगन महतारी।।
पुनि पुनि सीय राम छबि देखी।।मुदित सफल जग जीवन लेखी।।
सखीं सीय मुख पुनि पुनि चाही। गान करहिं निज सुकृत सराही।।
बरषहिं सुमन छनहिं छन देवा। नाचहिं गावहिं लावहिं सेवा।।
देखि मनोहर चारिउ जोरीं। सारद उपमा सकल ढँढोरीं।।
देत न बनहिं निपट लघु लागी। एकटक रहीं रूप अनुरागीं।।


निगम नीति कुल रीति करि अरघ पाँवड़े देत।
बधुन्ह सहित सुत परिछि सब चलीं लवाइ निकेत।।349।।


They waved lights again and again; the love and rapture which they felt in their heart was beyond all words. They scattered about their sons and daughters-in-law ornaments, jewels and costumes of various kinds and numberless other articles. The queen-mothers were enraptured to behold their four sons alongwith their brides. As they gazed again and again on the beauty of Sita and Ram they felt delighted and regarded the object of their life in this world as realized. The queen-mothersí companions, as they gazed on Sita’s countenance over and over again, sang and extolled their good fortune. Moment after moment the gods rained down flowers, danced and sang and offered their homage. Seeing the four charming couples Goddess ›åradå ransacked all her stock of similes, but her choice fell on none; they appeared too trivial. She, therefore, stood gazing with unwinking eyes, enchanted with their beauty. (1—4)


After performing the rites prescribed by the Vedas and family usage the queen mothers waved lights over all the princes and their brides and conducted them to the palace, offering water to them as a mark of respect and spreading carpets along the way. (349)

from League of India