
श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 355

BAAL KAAND – Day 354



बिनय कीन्हि उर अति अनुरागें। सुत संपदा राखि सब आगें।।
नेगु मागि मुनिनायक लीन्हा। आसिरबादु बहुत बिधि दीन्हा।।
उर धरि रामहि सीय समेता। हरषि कीन्ह गुर गवनु निकेता।।
बिप्रबधू सब भूप बोलाई। चैल चारु भूषन पहिराई।।
बहुरि बोलाइ सुआसिनि लीन्हीं। रुचि बिचारि पहिरावनि दीन्हीं।।
नेगी नेग जोग सब लेहीं। रुचि अनुरुप भूपमनि देहीं।।
प्रिय पाहुने पूज्य जे जाने। भूपति भली भाँति सनमाने।।
देव देखि रघुबीर बिबाहू। बरषि प्रसून प्रसंसि उछाहू।।


चले निसान बजाइ सुर निज निज पुर सुख पाइ।
कहत परसपर राम जसु प्रेम न हृदयँ समाइ।।353।।


With his heart overflowing with love he made entreaties to the Guru and placed his sons and all his wealth before him. The great sage, however, asked for and accepted only his customary due (as a family priest) for the ceremonial occasion and blessed him in profusion. And with the image of Sita and Ram installed in his heart he gladly proceeded to his own residence. The king then summoned all the Brahmin dames and invested them with beautiful robes, and ornaments. He next sent for the married women of the city (whose husbands were alive and who, though born in Ayodhya, were married elsewhere) and presented them with garments of their liking. All those who were entitled to receive gifts and presents on ceremonial occasions received their dues from the jewel of kings, who rewarded them according to their choice; and the king duly honoured those guests whom he regarded as worthy of affection and adoration. The gods who witnessed Shri Ram’s wedding, rained down flowers while applauding the jubilation— (1—4)


And with the beat of drums, the celestials gladly proceeded each to his abode, talking to one another of Shri Ram’s glory with their heart overflowing with love. (353)

from League of India