श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 356
BAAL KAAND – Day 355
सब बिधि सबहि समदि नरनाहू। रहा हृदयँ भरि पूरि उछाहू।।
जहँ रनिवासु तहाँ पगु धारे। सहित बहूटिन्ह कुअँर निहारे।।
लिए गोद करि मोद समेता। को कहि सकइ भयउ सुखु जेता।।
बधू सप्रेम गोद बैठारीं। बार बार हियँ हरषि दुलारीं।।
देखि समाजु मुदित रनिवासू। सब कें उर अनंद कियो बासू।।
कहेउ भूप जिमि भयउ बिबाहू। सुनि हरषु होत सब काहू।।
जनक राज गुन सीलु बड़ाई। प्रीति रीति संपदा सुहाई।।
बहुबिधि भूप भाट जिमि बरनी। रानीं सब प्रमुदित सुनि करनी।।
सुतन्ह समेत नहाइ नृप बोलि बिप्र गुर ग्याति।
भोजन कीन्ह अनेक बिधि घरी पंच गइ राति।।354।।
Having shown everyone all possible honour the king, whose heart was overbrimming with joy, visited the private apartments and beheld the princes with their brides. He gladly took the boys in his arms and experienced a thrill of joy which nobody could tell. Similarly, he affectionately seated the brides in his lap and fondled them again and again with a heart full of rapture. The ladies of the gynaeceum were delighted to behold this spectacle; the heart of everyone became an abode of joy. The king related how the wedding had taken place and everyone was delighted to hear the account. The goodness, amiability, nobility, loving nature and the splendid wealth of King Janak were extolled by King Dashrath in a variety of ways even as a rhapsodist would do; and the queens were enraptured to hear the record of his doings. (1—4)
After bathing with his sons, the king called the Brahmins, the preceptor and his own kinsmen and, having entertained them at the meal, feasted himself on a variety of dishes till a couple of hours of the night passed. (354)
from League of India
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