श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 343
BAAL KAAND – Day 342
मुनि मंडलिहि जनक सिरु नावा। आसिरबादु सबहि सन पावा।।
सादर पुनि भेंटे जामाता। रूप सील गुन निधि सब भ्राता।।
जोरि पंकरुह पानि सुहाए। बोले बचन प्रेम जनु जाए।।
राम करौ केहि भाँति प्रसंसा। मुनि महेस मन मानस हंसा।।
करहिं जोग जोगी जेहि लागी। कोहु मोहु ममता मदु त्यागी।।
ब्यापकु ब्रह्मु अलखु अबिनासी। चिदानंदु निरगुन गुनरासी।।
मन समेत जेहि जान न बानी। तरकि न सकहिं सकल अनुमानी।।
महिमा निगमु नेति कहि कहई। जो तिहुँ काल एकरस रहई।।
नयन बिषय मो कहुँ भयउ सो समस्त सुख मूल।
सबइ लाभु जग जीव कहँ भएँ ईसु अनुकुल।।341।।
King Janak bowed his head to the throng of sages and received blessings from them all. Next he reverently embraced his sons-in-law, the four brothers, each a mine of beauty, amiability and goodness; and joining his graceful lotus hands he spoke in accents begotten of love as it were, “How can I extol You, O Ram, sporting as You do in the hearts of sages as well as of the great Lord Shiv like a swan in the Mansarovar lake. That for whose sake Yogis (those given to contemplation) practise Yoga (contemplation) renouncing anger, infatuation, the feeling of meum and pride, the all-pervading Brahma (Absolute) who is imperceptible and imperishable, the embodiment of consciousness and bliss, attributeless and simultaneously possessing divine qualities, who is beyond the ken of speech and mind, who is past all speculation, but is only inferred by all and who is the same at all times— (1—4)
“That source of all joy has appeared before my eyes! Everything is easy of access in this world to a living being when God is propitious.” (341)
from League of India
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