
श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 360

BAAL KAAND – Day 359



नीदउँ बदन सोह सुठि लोना। मनहुँ साँझ सरसीरुह सोना।।
घर घर करहिं जागरन नारीं। देहिं परसपर मंगल गारीं।।
पुरी बिराजति राजति रजनी। रानीं कहहिं बिलोकहु सजनी।।
सुंदर बधुन्ह सासु लै सोई। फनिकन्ह जनु सिरमनि उर गोई।।
प्रात पुनीत काल प्रभु जागे। अरुनचूड़ बर बोलन लागे।।
बंदि मागधन्हि गुनगन गाए। पुरजन द्वार जोहारन आए।।
बंदि बिप्र सुर गुर पितु माता। पाइ असीस मुदित सब भ्राता।।
जननिन्ह सादर बदन निहारे। भूपति संग द्वार पगु धारे।।


कीन्ह सौच सब सहज सुचि सरित पुनीत नहाइ।
प्रातक्रिया करि तात पहिं आए चारिउ भाइ।।358।।


Even during sleep His most charming countenance gleamed as a red lotus, half closed at eventide. In every house women kept vigil and railed at one another in auspicious strains. The queens said to one another, “See, friends, how resplendent the city is, and how splendid the night!” The mothers-in-law then slept with the lovely brides enfolded in their arms even as serpents would clasp to their bosom the gems from their hood. At the holy hour before dawn the Lord awoke, and the cocks commenced their beautiful crowing. The rhapsodists and genealogists sang His praises, while the citizens flocked to the gate to make their obeisance. The four brothers saluted the Brahmins and gods as well as their preceptor and parents and were glad to receive their benedictions. The mothers reverently gazed on their countenance as the princes repaired to the gate with the king. (1—4)


Though pure in themselves, the four brothers performed all the purificatory acts (such as evacuating the bowels, cleansing the privates and the hands with water and clay, rinsing the mouth, brushing the teeth and cleansing the tongue etc.,) and bathed in the holy river (Sarayu) and, having gone through their morning routine of prayer etc., returned to their sire. (358)

from League of India