श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 345
BAAL KAAND – Day 344
बार बार करि बिनय बड़ाई। रघुपति चले संग सब भाई।।
जनक गहे कौसिक पद जाई। चरन रेनु सिर नयनन्ह लाई।।
सुनु मुनीस बर दरसन तोरें। अगमु न कछु प्रतीति मन मोरें।।
जो सुखु सुजसु लोकपति चहहीं। करत मनोरथ सकुचत अहहीं।।
सो सुखु सुजसु सुलभ मोहि स्वामी। सब सिधि तव दरसन अनुगामी।।
कीन्हि बिनय पुनि पुनि सिरु नाई। फिरे महीसु आसिषा पाई।।
चली बरात निसान बजाई। मुदित छोट बड़ सब समुदाई।।
रामहि निरखि ग्राम नर नारी। पाइ नयन फलु होहिं सुखारी।।
बीच बीच बर बास करि मग लोगन्ह सुख देत।
अवध समीप पुनीत दिन पहुँची आइ जनेत।।343।।
Paying his respectful compliments to Janaka again and again the Lord of Raghus set out on His journey with His three brothers. Janak approached Kaushik, clasped his feet and put the dust of the same on his head and eyes. He said, “Listen, O lord of sages: to him who has been blessed with your sight nothing is unattainable; such is my marriage party conviction. The joy and the bright renown which the regional lords of the universe long to have, but feel too diffident to expectósuch a joy and glory has been brought within my reach, and all achievements follow on seeing you.” In these words King Janak made a humble submission to Vishvamitra, bowing his head again and again, and returned after receiving his blessings. The people started on its return journey to the sound of kettledrums; all the sections, both big and small, were transported with joy. Men and women of the villages, as they gazed on Shri Ram, felt gratified on realizing the object of their eyes. (1—4)
Halting at convenient stages in course of the journey and gladdening the people on the roadside the marriage procession approached Ayodhya on a sacred day. (343)
from League of India
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