
श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 347

BAAL KAAND – Day 346



भूप भवन तेहि अवसर सोहा। रचना देखि मदन मनु मोहा।।
मंगल सगुन मनोहरताई। रिधि सिधि सुख संपदा सुहाई।।
जनु उछाह सब सहज सुहाए। तनु धरि धरि दसरथ दसरथ गृहँ छाए।।
देखन हेतु राम बैदेही। कहहु लालसा होहि न केही।।
जुथ जूथ मिलि चलीं सुआसिनि। निज छबि निदरहिं मदन बिलासनि।।
सकल सुमंगल सजें आरती। गावहिं जनु बहु बेष भारती।।
भूपति भवन कोलाहलु होई। जाइ न बरनि समउ सुखु सोई।।
कौसल्यादि राम महतारीं। प्रेम बिबस तन दसा बिसारीं।।


दिए दान बिप्रन्ह बिपुल पूजि गनेस पुरारी।
प्रमुदित परम दरिद्र जनु पाइ पदारथ चारि।।345।।


The king’s palace looked very charming on that occasion; its decoration captivated the heart of Cupid himself. It looked as if auspicious omens and loveliness; affluence and mystic powers, joys and smiling prosperity and all kinds of rejoicings had assumed a naturally beautiful form and taken their abode in the palace of King Dashrath. Tell me who would not feel tempted to have a look at Shri Ram and Videha’s Daughter? Married women, whose husbands were alive, sallied forth in troops, each eclipsing Love’s consort (Rati) by her beauty. They all carried articles of good men and were equipped with lights for waving around the bridegrooms. As they moved along singing all the way, it appeared as if Goddess Bharati (the goddess of speech) had appeared in so many forms. The king’s palace was full of hilarious tumult; the joy of the occasion was ineffable. Kaushalya and other mothers of Shri Ram were so overwhelmed with emotion that they forgot their own body. (1—4)


After worshipping Lord Ganesh and the Slayer of the demon Tripura, they bestowed enormous gifts upon the Brahmins and were supremely delighted as an utterly indigent man who had attained the four great prizes of life. (345)

from League of India