
श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 348

BAAL KAAND – Day 347



मोद प्रमोद बिबस सब माता। चलहिं न चरन सिथिल भए गाता।।
राम दरस हित अति अनुरागीं। परिछनि साजु सजन सब लागीं।।
बिबिध बिधान बाजने बाजे। मंगल मुदित सुमित्राँ साजे।।
हरद दूब दधि पल्लव फूला। पान पूगफल मंगल मूला।।
अच्छत अंकुर लोचन लाजा। मंजुल मंजरि तुलसि बिराजा।।
छुहे पुरट घट सहज सुहाए। मदन सकुन जनु नीड़ बनाए।।
सगुन सुंगध न जाहिं बखानी। मंगल सकल सजहिं सब रानी।।
रचीं आरतीं बहुत बिधाना। मुदित करहिं कल मंगल गाना।।


कनक थार भरि मंगलन्हि कमल करन्हि लिएँ मात।
चलीं मुदित परिछनि करन पुलक पल्लवित गात।।346।।


All the mothers were so overcome with joy and rapture that their feet refused to walk and all their limbs began to droop as it were. Full of intense longing for a sight of Shri Ram they began to get everything ready for the reception of their sons. Music of every kind started playing, while Sumitrå gladly got together articles of good omen such as turmeric, blades of Durva grass, curds, ordinary leaves, flowers, betel leaves, areca nuts, auspicious roots, unbroken rice, sprouts of barley, Gorocana, parched paddy and lovely blossoms of the Basil plant. Exceedingly charming gold vases, painted with various colours, looked like nests built by Cupid’s own birds. Auspicious perfumes defied all description. In this way, all the queens prepared all sorts of auspicious articles. They got ready rows of lights arranged in various devices for waving around their sons and with a cheerful heart sang melodious festal strains. (1—4)


Carrying in their lotus hands salvers of gold-laden with articles of good omen, the queen-mothers proceeded joyfully to greet their sons ceremoniously, every limb of their body throbbing with emotion. (346)

from League of India