
Vocal for Local: Brand creatives edition

Vocal for local brand creatives

Taking a cue from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech, businesses fill up social media space with Vocal for Local brand creatives.

Last night, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation in regards to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. He spoke about the strengths of the nation when it comes to stepping up in times of distress. Among the many topics highlighted in his over-half-an-hour long speech, there was a focus on how citizens should support local companies and produce. Building their own narrative around this his call to go Vocal for Local, several businesses put up brand creatives on social media handles today.

Among the brands that participated in the #VocalForLocal trend, a strong sense of pride could be felt. Elements like gears of progress and product images found prominence in the creatives. Most brands seemed to have harnessed the power of fonts in their creatives, mixing English and Hindi in their communication. Use of graphics and cartoons could also be seen.

Parle Products

Balaji Wafers

Yulu Bikes



Chai Kaapi

Metro Shoes India

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Every step we took with India, millions of Indians walked with us. We’re proud to be a part of this swadeshi journey and here's to every artisan for bringing our plans to life. #goingvocalforlocal #MetroCares #MetroShoes ⁣ #AtmanirbharBharat #Swadeshi #SelfReliantBharat #VocalForLocal #Lockdown4 #selfreliant #localkaro

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Dabur Honey

Also Read: #9PM9Minutes brand posts express solidarity

Velvex Motor India

Mealful Wraps

Campus Shows

Pooja Plastics

Futura Sinks

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Sinks Local Be Vocal #futurasink #vocalforlocal

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Endura Mass

SpiceXpress Global

Tell us about your favourite Vocal for Local brand creatives in the comments below.

The post Vocal for Local: Brand creatives edition appeared first on Social Samosa.

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