
#WFHDiaries Lockdown has brought me closer to my family: Santosh Padhi

WFH Diaries Santosh Padhi

Working from home for Santosh Padhi is a period the leader is not quite fond of. WFH Diaries featuring the agency leader delves into his thoughts on the lockdown and his coping mantra.

Even before the Modi government announced a nationwide lockdown, Taproot Dentsu had started working from home. “Well, it’s never easy to work from home, and especially I don’t enjoy this period. I always believe in meeting people, sitting across a table, and solving a problem. It has been long that I am missing on those human bonds”, asserts Santosh Padhi, Chief Creative Officer & Co-Founder, Taproot Dentsu.

WFH Diaries for him is all about getting closer to his family and maintaining a positive outlook. He likes to think that when two human beings come across they create a lot of great vibes, exchange of energy happens and that human emotion clearly transforms into something wonderful.

“I am missing out on those actions, especially Taproot because we are a small unit of 40-45 people and our biggest strength is coming together for brainstorming and cracking the apt ideas”, he shares.

Echoing his views on the challenges faced by businesses, Padhi noted that the creative industry will have a big-time challenge. Hence he feels we need to be a lot more positive and energetic, relook and prove ourselves in this crisis situation.

He also holds huge respect for the household support that we have been getting all these days. He briefs, “I think we have been ignoring and not celebrating these people who are of great help, be it in office or at home. When you start doing some of their bit you realize that they put in a lot of effort and bring in much at your house without you knowing”

Also Read: #WFHDiaries: Hareesh Tibrewala in the company of books, family, and poems

Also, for the last few days, he has been seeing some wonderful images of nature which points out that the world doesn’t only belong to us but its the world we share with millions of creatures. He hopes that once this lockdown is over we do realize that we are living in a world that is not owned by us.

On a personal note, he thinks this was much needed for professionals like him who hardly gave time for family members. “Unfortunately it has happened this way. But I am glad this lockdown has helped me getting closer to my family.”

Hoping to come out of the lockdown soon, Padhi in this video series shares how is mentally prepared to face the situation with a positive attitude.

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