
Household chores emerge as a popular content hook in Brand Creatives

household creatives

Brands have not washed out their humor, so get ready for them to sweep you off the floor with creatives that describe the pain of household chores.

Since the lockdown began, most of us had to give up our house help, and have taken the tasks upon ourselves, doing things we never thought we would have to.

Bartan Jhadu Pocha has become the ‘new hip thing’ everyone is doing, and while some have become a pro, some still can’t roll though.

Doesn’t matter who are you, here are some creatives that would accurately describe your situation and (hopefully) give you a few laughs to pass the time when you’re not washing dishes.

Memes have really caught on to be a preferred language amongst these brands, with ‘My Plans: 2020: ‘ being a popular format. During these times of atrocities, laughter can be a good medicine.

Moreover, users are looking to have a few laughs with all the negativity surrounding. So, it may or may not be the right time for product promotions, but it is always the right time to garner engagement and give a few laughs.

So, Rote Rote Hasna Sikho

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OYO Rooms





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If we have missed out on any of your favorite brand creatives describing household chores accurately, write to us at content@socialsamosa.com or let us know in the comments below.

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