
श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 370

अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 6



हरषि मुनीस कहेउ मृदु बानी। आनहु सकल सुतीरथ पानी।।
औषध मूल फूल फल पाना। कहे नाम गनि मंगल नाना।।
चामर चरम बसन बहु भाँती। रोम पाट पट अगनित जाती।।
मनिगन मंगल बस्तु अनेका। जो जग जोगु भूप अभिषेका।।
बेद बिदित कहि सकल बिधाना। कहेउ रचहु पुर बिबिध बिताना।।
सफल रसाल पूगफल केरा। रोपहु बीथिन्ह पुर चहुँ फेरा।।
रचहु मंजु मनि चौकें चारू। कहहु बनावन बेगि बजारू।।
पूजहु गनपति गुर कुलदेवा। सब बिधि करहु भूमिसुर सेवा।।


ध्वज पताक तोरन कलस सजहु तुरग रथ नाग।
सिर धरि मुनिबर बचन सबु निज निज काजहिं लाग।।6।।


The great sage Vashisth gladly said in soft accents, “Fetch water from all principal sacred places.” And then he enumerated by name a number of auspicious objects such as herbs, roots, flowers, fruits, leaves, chowries, deerskins, and draperies of various kinds including countless varieties of woollen and silken textiles, jewels and numerous other articles of good omen which were considered useful in this world for the coronation of a king. Detailing all the procedure laid down in the Vedas he said, “Erect canopies of all sorts in the city and transplant in the streets on all sides trees of the mango, arecanut and plantain with fruits. Paint beautiful designs on the floors filling them with costly jewels and tell the people to decorate the bazar promptly. Worship Lord Ganesh and your preceptor as well as the tutelary deity and render service in every form to the Brahmins, the very gods on earth.” (1—4)


Prepare flags and banners, festal arches and vases as well as horses, chariots and elephants.” Bowing to these orders of the great sage (Vashishth) all concerned applied themselves to their own work. (6)

from League of India