
श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 371

अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 7



जो मुनीस जेहि आयसु दीन्हा। सो तेहिं काजु प्रथम जनु कीन्हा।।
बिप्र साधु सुर पूजत राजा। करत राम हित मंगल काजा।।
सुनत राम अभिषेक सुहावा। बाज गहागह अवध बधावा।।
राम सीय तन सगुन जनाए। फरकहिं मंगल अंग सुहाए।।
पुलकि सप्रेम परसपर कहहीं। भरत आगमनु सूचक अहहीं।।
भए बहुत दिन अति अवसेरी। सगुन प्रतीति भेंट प्रिय केरी।।
भरत सरिस प्रिय को जग माहीं। इहइ सगुन फलु दूसर नाहीं।।
रामहि बंधु सोच दिन राती। अंडन्हि कमठ ह्रदउ जेहि भाँती।।


एहि अवसर मंगलु परम सुनि रहँसेउ रनिवासु।
सोभत लखि बिधु बढ़त जनु बारिधि बीचि बिलासु।।7।।


With whatever duty the great sage charged any man, the latter accomplished it so promptly as if it had been done by him beforehand. The king adored Brahmins, holy men and gods, and performed auspicious rites for the sake of Shri Ram’s welfare. As soon as the delightful news of Shri Ram’s installation reached the ears of the people, the whole of Ayodhya resounded with festal music. Good omens manifested themselves in the person of Shri Ram and Sita. Their graceful lucky limbs began to throb. Experiencing a thrill of joy they lovingly said to one another, “The omens prognosticate Bharat’s return. Many days have passed and our heart longs to meet him. Auspicious omens assure us of our meeting with a beloved friend, and in this world, there is no one so dear as Bharat; the good omens can thus have but one meaning.” Shri Ram anxiously remembered His half-brother (Bharat) day and night, even as a turtle has its heart fixed on its eggs. (1—4)


That very time the ladies of the palace were delighted to hear this most auspicious news, even as the waves of the ocean commence their lovely sport on perceiving the waxing moon. (7)

from League of India