श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 372
अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 8
प्रथम जाइ जिन्ह बचन सुनाए। भूषन बसन भूरि तिन्ह पाए।।
प्रेम पुलकि तन मन अनुरागीं। मंगल कलस सजन सब लागीं।।
चौकें चारु सुमित्राँ पुरी। मनिमय बिबिध भाँति अति रुरी।।
आनँद मगन राम महतारी। दिए दान बहु बिप्र हँकारी।।
पूजीं ग्रामदेबि सुर नागा। कहेउ बहोरि देन बलिभागा।।
जेहि बिधि होइ राम कल्यानू। देहु दया करि सो बरदानू।।
गावहिं मंगल कोकिलबयनीं। बिधुबदनीं मृगसावकनयनीं।।
राम राज अभिषेकु सुनि हियँ हरषे नर नारि।
लगे सुमंगल सजन सब बिधि अनुकूल बिचारि।।8।।
Those who broke the news first were richly rewarded with ornaments and costumes. With their body thrilling over with emotion and heart full of rapture all the queens started preparing festal vases. Queen Sumitra painted with coloured meal lovely diagrams in various charming designs and filled them with jewels. Overwhelmed with delight Shri Ram’s mother (Kaushalya) sent for the Brahmins and gave them gifts profusely. She worshipped female deities of the village and other gods and Nagas and vowing them further offerings said to them, “In your mercy grant me a boon which may ensure Shri Ram’s welfare.” Moon-faced and fawn-eyed ladies sang festal strains in a voice as sweet as the notes of a cuckoo. (1—4)
Men and women rejoiced in their heart to hear of ›r∂ Råmaís installation on the throne, and thinking God to be favourably disposed towards them all began to make preparations. (8)
from League of India
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