
श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 373

अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 9



तब नरनाहँ बसिष्ठु बोलाए। रामधाम सिख देन पठाए।।
गुर आगमनु सुनत रघुनाथा। द्वार आइ पद नायउ माथा।।
सादर अरघ देइ घर आने। सोरह भाँति पूजि सनमाने।।
गहे चरन सिय सहित बहोरी। बोले रामु कमल कर जोरी।।
सेवक सदन स्वामि आगमनू। मंगल मूल अमंगल दमनू।।
तदपि उचित जनु बोलि सप्रीती। पठइअ काज नाथ असि नीती।।
प्रभुता तजि प्रभु कीन्ह सनेहू। भयउ पुनीत आजु यहु गेहू।।
आयसु होइ सो करौं गोसाई। सेवक लहइ स्वामि सेवकाई।।


सुनि सनेह साने बचन मुनि रघुबरहि प्रसंस।
राम कस न तुम्ह कहहु अस हंस बंस अवतंस।।9।।


The king then called Vashishth and sent him to Shri Ram’s apartments for tendering opportune advice. The moment the Lord of Raghus, Shri Ram, heard of the Guru’s arrival, He repaired to the door and, bowed His head at his feet. Reverently offering him water to wash his hands with He ushered the sage and paid him honour by worshipping him in the sixteen prescribed modes. Then clasping his feet with Sita, Shri Ram spoke with His lotus palms joined, “A master’s visit to his servant’s house is the root of all blessings and a panacea for all evils; yet it would have been more fitting, my lord, for the master to have lovingly sent for the servant and charged him with a duty; for such is the right course. Since, however, my lord has laid aside his authority and showed his affection to me (by calling on me) my house has been hallowed today. I am ready to do what I am bid, holy sir; for a servant is benefited only by serving his master.” (1—4)


On hearing these words, steeped in affection as they were, the sage applauded the Chief of Raghus, Shri Ram, and said, “It is but meet, O Ram, that you should say so, the ornament of the solar race that you are.” (9)

from League of India