श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 374
अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 10
बरनि राम गुन सीलु सुभाऊ। बोले प्रेम पुलकि मुनिराऊ।।
भूप सजेउ अभिषेक समाजू। चाहत देन तुम्हहि जुबराजू।।
राम करहु सब संजम आजू। जौं बिधि कुसल निबाहै काजू।।
गुरु सिख देइ राय पहिं गयउ। राम हृदयँ अस बिसमउ भयऊ।।
जनमे एक संग सब भाई। भोजन सयन केलि लरिकाई।।
करनबेध उपबीत बिआहा। संग संग सब भए उछाहा।।
बिमल बंस यहु अनुचित एकू। बंधु बिहाइ बड़ेहि अभिषेकू।।
प्रभु सप्रेम पछितानि सुहाई। हरउ भगत मन कै कुटिलाई।।
तेहि अवसर आए लखन मगन प्रेम आनंद।
सनमाने प्रिय बचन कहि रघुकुल कैरव चंद।।10।।
Extolling Shri Ram’s goodness, amiability and noble disposition, the lord of sages, Vashisth, said, thrilling over with emotion, “The king has made preparations for the installation ceremony; he would invest You with regal powers. Ram, You should observe religious austerity today so that God may bring this affair to a happy conclusion.” Having admonished Him in this way the Guru returned to the king; while Shri Ram felt uneasy in His heart and said to Himself, “My brothers and myself were all born together and together have we dined, slept and played in our childhood; the piercing of our ear-lobes, (one of the sixteen sacraments incumbent on a Hindu), our investiture with the sacred thread, wedding and all other ceremonies have been gone through together. The only unseemly practice in this spotless line is that the eldest should be installed on the throne to the exclusion of his younger brothers.” May this loving and graceful expression of regret on the part of the Lord drive away all crookedness from the mind of His devotees. (1—4)
On that very occasion came Lakshman steeped in love and rapture; Shri Ram, who delighted Raghu’s race even as the moon delights a lily flower, greeted him with endearing words. (10)
from League of India
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