
श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 375

अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 11



बाजहिं बाजने बिबिध बिधाना। पुर प्रमोदु नहिं जाइ बखाना।।
भरत आगमनु सकल मनावहिं। आवहुँ बेगि नयन फलु पावहिं।।
हाट बाट घर गलीं अथाई। कहहिं परसपर लोग लोगाई।।
कालि लगन भलि केतिक बारा। पूजिहि बिधि अभिलाषु हमारा।।
कनक सिंघासन सीय समेता। बैठहिं रामु होइ चित चेता।।
सकल कहहिं कब होइहि काली। बिघन मनावहिं देव कुचाली।।
तिन्हहि सोहाइ न अवध बधावा। चोरहि चंदिनि राति न भावा।।
सारद बोलि बिनय सुर करहीं। बारहिं बार पाय लै परहीं।।


बिपति हमारि बिलोकि बड़ि मातु करिअ सोइ आजु।
रामु जाहिं बन राजु तजि होइ सकल सुरकाजु।।11।।


There was a sound of music of various kinds, and the rejoicing in the city was beyond words. All prayed for Bharat’s return (from his maternal uncleís) and said to one another, “Would that Bharata came with expedition and obtained the reward of his eyes.” In every bazar, street, house, lane and place of resort men and women talked to one another, “When will that blessed hour start tomorow; during which God will fulfil our desire, when with Sita beside Him Shri Ram will take His seat on the throne of gold and when the object of our desire will be accomplished?” They all said, “When will the morrow come?” While the wicked gods prayed that some trouble might brew in the meantime. The rejoicing that was going on in Ayodhyå did not please them even as a moonlit night is not liked by a thief. Invoking Sharada the gods supplicated her and laying hold of her feet fell at them again and again. (1—4)


Perceiving our grave calamity, O Mother, manipulate things in such a way today that Shri Ram may retire into the forest, relinquishing His throne, and the object of us immortals may be wholly accomplished.” (11)

from League of India