श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 376
अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 12
सुनि सुर बिनय ठाढ़ि पछिताती। भइउँ सरोज बिपिन हिमराती।।
देखि देव पुनि कहहिं निहोरी। मातु तोहि नहिं थोरिउ खोरी।।
बिसमय हरष रहित रघुराऊ। तुम्ह जानहु सब राम प्रभाऊ।।
जीव करम बस सुख दुख भागी। जाइअ अवध देव हित लागी।।
बार बार गहि चरन सँकोचौ। चली बिचारि बिबुध मति पोची।।
ऊँच निवासु नीचि करतूती। देखि न सकहिं पराइ बिभूती।।
आगिल काजु बिचारि बहोरी। करहहिं चाह कुसल कबि मोरी।।
हरषि हृदयँ दसरथ पुर आई। जनु ग्रह दसा दुसह दुखदाई।।
नामु मंथरा मंदमति चेरी कैकेइ केरि।
अजस पेटारी ताहि करि गई गिरा मति फेरि।।12।।
Hearing this prayer of the divinities goddess Sharada stood still and was grieved at the thought that she was going to play the same role with reference to the people of Ayodhya as a wintry night does with respect to a bed of lotuses. Seeing her downcast the gods spoke again in a suppliant tone, “Mother, not the least blame will attach to you; for the Lord of Raghus is above sorrow and joy alike. You are fully acquainted with Shri Ram’s glory. As for the people, every embodied soul is subject to pleasure and pain according to its fate. Therefore, you should go to Ayodhya for the good of the celestials.” Clasping her feet, again and again, they exerted great pressure on her till she yielded and set out, considering the gods as mean-minded. She said to herself, “Though their abode is on high, their doings are mean; they cannot see others prosperity.” Again, reflecting on the role she was destined to perform in the days to come when worthy poets would seek her favour, she came with a cheerful heart to the capital of Dashrath like the intolerably evil influence of a planet. (1—4)
Now Kaikeyi (Bharat’s mother) had a dull-witted servant-maid, Manthara by name; having perverted her reason and making her a receptacle of ill-repute, the goddess of speech returned to her abode. (12)
from League of India
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