श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 377
अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 13
दीख मंथरा नगरु बनावा। मंजुल मंगल बाज बधावा।।
पूछेसि लोगन्ह काह उछाहू। राम तिलकु सुनि भा उर दाहू।।
करइ बिचारु कुबुद्धि कुजाती। होइ अकाजु कवनि बिधि राती।।
देखि लागि मधु कुटिल किराती। जिमि गवँ तकइ लेउँ केहि भाँती।।
भरत मातु पहिं गइ बिलखानी। का अनमनि हसि कह हँसि रानी।।
ऊतरु देइ न लेइ उसासू। नारि चरित करि ढारइ आँसू।।
हँसि कह रानि गालु बड़ तोरें। दीन्ह लखन सिख अस मन मोरें।।
तबहुँ न बोल चेरि बड़ि पापिनि। छाड़इ स्वास कारि जनु साँपिनि।।
सभय रानि कह कहसि किन कुसल रामु महिपालु।
लखनु भरतु रिपुदमनु सुनि भा कुबरी उर सालु।।13।।
Manthara saw the city decorated and festal music melodiously playing; she, therefore, asked the people, “What is all this rejoicing about?” When she heard of Shri Ram’s coming installation, she felt distressed in her heart. That evil-minded and lowborn woman pondered how mischief might be created overnight, even as a wily Bhil woman who has seen a honeycomb hanging from a tree schemes how to get hold of the honey. Pulling a long face she approached Bharat’s mother. “What makes you look so grave?” the queen smilingly asked. She made no answer, but only heaved deep sigh, and adopting the way of women shed crocodile tears. Said the queen, laughing, “You are a most saucy girl; what I suspect, therefore, is that Lakshman has taught you a lesson.” Even then the most wicked servant-maid would not speak and merely hissed like a black cobra. ( (1—4)
Apprehensive of misfortune as she was, the queen said to her, “How is it that you do not speak? I hope Ram and his royal father, Lakshman, Bharat and Ripudaman (Shatrughna) are all well?” The humpbacked woman (Manthara) was pained at heart to hear these words. (13)
from League of India
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