श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 367
अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 3
कहइ भुआलु सुनिअ मुनिनायक। भए राम सब बिधि सब लायक।।
सेवक सचिव सकल पुरबासी। जे हमारे अरि मित्र उदासी।।
सबहि रामु प्रिय जेहि बिधि मोही। प्रभु असीस जनु तनु धरि सोही।।
बिप्र सहित परिवार गोसाईं। करहिं छोहु सब रौरिहि नाई।।
जे गुर चरन रेनु सिर धरहीं। ते जनु सकल बिभव बस करहीं।।
मोहि सम यहु अनुभयउ न दूजें। सबु पायउँ रज पावनि पूजें।।
अब अभिलाषु एकु मन मोरें। पूजहि नाथ अनुग्रह तोरें।।
मुनि प्रसन्न लखि सहज सनेहू। कहेउ नरेस रजायसु देहू।।
राजन राउर नामु जसु सब अभिमत दातार।
फल अनुगामी महिप मनि मन अभिलाषु तुम्हार।।3।।
Said the king, “Listen, O chief of sages: Ram is now accomplished in every way. Servants and ministers, nay, all the people of the city and others who are either my enemies or friends or neutrals, hold Ram as dear as I do. It seems your benediction itself has incarnated in his lovely form. What more, my lord, all the Brahmins and their families cherish the same love for him as you do. Those who place on their head the dust from the Guru’s feet acquire mastery as it were, overall fortune. No one has realized it as I have done; I have obtained everything by adoring the holy dust from your feet. Now there remains only one longing in my heart and that too will be realized by your grace, my lord.” The sage was delighted to perceive his artless devotion and said, “O king, give me your commands.î”(1—4)
“O king, your very name and glory grant all oneís desires. The object of your heartís desire, O jewel of monarchs, is accomplished even before you entertain the desire.” (3)
from League of India
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