श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 382
अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 18
चतुर गँभीर राम महतारी। बीचु पाइ निज बात सँवारी।।
पठए भरतु भूप ननिअउरें। राम मातु मत जानव रउरें।।
सेवहिं सकल सवति मोहि नीकें। गरबित भरत मातु बल पी कें।।
सालु तुम्हार कौसिलहि माई। कपट चतुर नहिं होइ जनाई।।
राजहि तुम्ह पर प्रेमु बिसेषी। सवति सुभाउ सकइ नहिं देखी।।
रची प्रंपचु भूपहि अपनाई। राम तिलक हित लगन धराई।।
यह कुल उचित राम कहुँ टीका। सबहि सोहाइ मोहि सुठि नीका।।
आगिलि बात समुझि डरु मोही। देउ दैउ फिरि सो फलु ओही।।
रचि पचि कोटिक कुटिलपन कीन्हेसि कपट प्रबोधु।।
कहिसि कथा सत सवति कै जेहि बिधि बाढ़ बिरोधु।।18।।
“Ram’s mother (Kaushalya) is clever and deep; finding a suitable opportunity she has turned it to account. You must know it is at the suggestion of Ram’s mother that the king has sent away Bharat to his maternal grandfather’s. She says to herself, “All my other co-wives serve me well, only Bharat’s mother (yourself) is proud, because of her influence with her lord. It is, therefore, O mother, that you rankle in Kaushalya’s heart; but she is too crafty to disclose her mind. The king is particularly fond of you; but due to the jealousy to which a co-wife is naturally subject, Kausalya cannot tolerate it. That is why by resorting to machination and winning over the king she has prevailed on him to fix a date for Ram’s installation on the throne. The coronation of Ram is in accord with the traditions of the family; it is liked by all and is quite to my taste. I, however, shudder to think of the consequences; may heaven so ordain that the mischief may recoil on her own head.” (1—4)
Inventing and injecting many a mischievous formula Manthara put the queen of the scent and told her a hundred and one stories of co-wives so as to foment her jealousy. (18)
from League of India
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