श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 383
अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 19
भावी बस प्रतीति उर आई। पूँछ रानि पुनि सपथ देवाई।।
का पूछहुँ तुम्ह अबहुँ न जाना। निज हित अनहित पसु पहिचाना।।
भयउ पाखु दिन सजत समाजू। तुम्ह पाई सुधि मोहि सन आजू।।
खाइअ पहिरिअ राज तुम्हारें। सत्य कहें नहिं दोषु हमारें।।
जौं असत्य कछु कहब बनाई। तौ बिधि देइहि हमहि सजाई।।
रामहि तिलक कालि जौं भयऊ। तुम्ह कहुँ बिपति बीजु बिधि बयऊ।।
रेख खँचाइ कहउँ बलु भाषी। भामिनि भइहु दूध कइ माखी।।
जौं सुत सहित करहु सेवकाई। तौ घर रहहु न आन उपाई।।
कद्रूँ बिनतहि दीन्ह दुखु तुम्हहि कौसिलाँ देब।
भरतु बंदिगृह सेइहहिं लखनु राम के नेब।।19।।
As fate would have it, the queen felt assured in her heart of Manthara’s fidelity; adjuring her by her own life she questioned Manthara once more, “What is it that you inquire about? It is strange that you should not understand things even now! Even a quadruped knows what is good or bad for it. Preparations have been going on for the last fortnight; while you have got the news from me today. I get food and clothing under your tutelage; hence I cannot be blamed for speaking the truth. If I tell a lie giving it the colour of truth, God will punish me for the same. Should Ram’s coronation take place tomorrow, God will have sown the seed of adversity for you. I swear and tell you most emphatically, O lady, that you have been discarded now as a fly from a cup of milk. If you and your son accept the role of servants, then alone you will be allowed to stay in the house; and in no other circumstance.” (1—4)
“Kadru (the progenitress of the serpent race) persecuted her co-wife Vinata coronation; so will Kaushalya tyrannize over you. Bharat will rot in prison, while Lakshman will be Ram’s lieutenant.” (19)
from League of India
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