
When you accidentally type the correct title

when you accidentally type

Here are brand posts created on purpose, to depict what happens when you accidentally type the wrong emojis.

‘ When you accidentally type ‘ first popularized as a video format on TikTok in the US more than a week ago, and then after a few reposts on Instagram & Twitter, the format was circulated as images, and so on flew with the wind.

Many brands are tapping a trend with their take, but several have also integrated brand promotions. For instance, Urban Company Men & Justdial promote their service.

Parle-G, Pulse, Bewakoof.com shower some self-love, and RiteBite Max Protein foster their product.

Production houses, OTT platforms, media channels, music labels, such as Voot Select, Universal Music India, Netflix India, Viacom18 Studios, and more use their characters to promote their content.

More brands use the wrong emojis in the right context.

Also Read: Introducing TikTok ban & Instagram Reels creatives

ETC Bollywood

Urban Company Man


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#WhenYouAccidentallyType something good #JDSePucho

A post shared by Justdial (@jd_justdial) on


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The expression could change but the emotion remains the same. We got you covered.⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ #ParleG #Genius #Love #Heart #Trending #Emojis #Emotions #WhenYouAccidentallyType

A post shared by Parle-G (@officialparleg) on


RiteBite Max Protein


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"Humne kahan trending format hai, benefit kar sakte hai"

A post shared by Bewakoof.com (@bewakoofofficial) on

Voot Select

Universal Music India

Radio Mirchi

Netflix India

Sony Music North

Sony Pictures Networks

Viacom18 Studios

MTV Beats



If we have missed out on any of your favorite When you accidentally type brand posts, write to us at content@socialsamosa.com or let us know in the comments below.

The post When you accidentally type the correct title appeared first on Social Samosa.

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