
Agency Feature: Pentableu

Pentableu agency

How do we define Pentableu?

We, at Pentableu, aim to provide comprehensive solutions to the most complex needs.

The agency is a team of 10 based out of BKC, Mumbai.

What’s in the name?

‘Penta’ means 5 and ‘bleu’ means blue in French.

This blue signifies the sky which is limitless. That is what our ideas intend to be.

What do we do?

  • Branding
  • Social Media
  • Website Designing
  • Mainline

Why we do it?

Our college and curriculum interested us in getting into this industry. Working in different agencies made us believe that we can do better with our skills together.

Social responsibility in social media

The current times are such that everywhere there’s a constant vigil by the people on what brands post, communicate, and in what manner. We try to be very subtle with our communicational approach and keep in mind that our content for the brand should not demean or offend anything/anyone.

The need of the hour

  • Social media to be done the right way.
  • Reaching your correct audience with appropriate content and creativity.
  • Video posts are currently working the best and can do wonders if executed really well.

Also read: Agency Feature: The Rabbit Hole

We learned the hard way

Yes, we did. We faced a lot of brunts and negativity from a lot of people when we three decided to leave our well settled and secured jobs to start an agency at a time when every other person was doing the same. What made us different was our efficiency, dedication, passion, and creativity.

They work with us

  • Bharti AXA GI
  • Bharti AXA LI
  • Rossari Biotech
  • Payyade International

The industry as we foresee

The digital landscape of India is constantly evolving. The internet is now not just limited to urban areas but it is reaching the rural parts of India and is estimated to reach further in the coming years. With the digital customer-base expected to increase at a higher rate, this industry is surely going to boom in the coming times.

A day without Internet

It will be just like going back to the stone-age.

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