श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 394
अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 30
एहि बिधि राउ मनहिं मन झाँखा। देखि कुभाँति कुमति मन माखा।।
भरतु कि राउर पूत न होहीं। आनेहु मोल बेसाहि कि मोही।।
जो सुनि सरु अस लाग तुम्हारें। काहे न बोलहु बचनु सँभारे।।
देहु उतरु अनु करहु कि नाहीं। सत्यसंध तुम्ह रघुकुल माहीं।।
देन कहेहु अब जनि बरु देहू। तजहुँ सत्य जग अपजसु लेहू।।
सत्य सराहि कहेहु बरु देना। जानेहु लेइहि मागि चबेना।।
सिबि दधीचि बलि जो कछु भाषा। तनु धनु तजेउ बचन पनु राखा।।
अति कटु बचन कहति कैकेई। मानहुँ लोन जरे पर देई।।
धरम धुरंधर धीर धरि नयन उघारे रायँ।
सिरु धुनि लीन्हि उसास असि मारेसि मोहि कुठायँ।।30।।
In this way the king moaned within himself. Seeing his bad plight the wicked queen sulked within her heart and said, “Is Bharat not your son? And have you bought me in consideration of money? If my words pierced you like arrows the moment they entered your ears, why should you not make promises after careful thought? Either say yes to my proposal or decline. You are true to your promise (more than anyone else) in the race of Raghu. Refuse the boons you promised me; abandon truth and court infamy in the world. Loud in your praise of truth you promised me a couple of boons, imagining of course that I would ask for a handful of parched grain. Sibi, Dadhich and Bali redeemed their plighted word maintaining whatever they said even at the cost of their life and possessions.” In this way Kaikeyi uttered most pungent words as though applying salt to a burn. (1—4)
A champion of righteousness, the king took courage and opened his eyes, and beating his head sighed out, “She has attacked me (created an em not to allow me any way out of it).” (30)
from League of India
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