श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 395
अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 31
आगें दीखि जरत रिस भारी। मनहुँ रोष तरवारि उघारी।।
मूठि कुबुद्धि धार निठुराई। धरी कूबरीं सान बनाई।।
लखी महीप कराल कठोरा। सत्य कि जीवनु लेइहि मोरा।।
बोले राउ कठिन करि छाती। बानी सबिनय तासु सोहाती।।
प्रिया बचन कस कहसि कुभाँती। भीर प्रतीति प्रीति करि हाँती।।
मोरें भरतु रामु दुइ आँखी। सत्य कहउँ करि संकरू साखी।।
अवसि दूतु मैं पठइब प्राता। ऐहहिं बेगि सुनत दोउ भ्राता।।
सुदिन सोधि सबु साजु सजाई। देउँ भरत कहुँ राजु बजाई।।
लोभु न रामहि राजु कर बहुत भरत पर प्रीति।
मैं बड़ छोट बिचारि जियँ करत रहेउँ नृपनीति।।31।।
He saw her standing before him burning with rage, as if it were Fury’s own sword drawn from the sheath, with a malicious mind for its hilt and remorselessness for its edge, whetted on the grindstone in the shape of the humpback (Manthara). The king saw that the sword was dreadful and inflexible and said to himself, “Is it really going to take my life?” Then, steeling his heart, he politely spoke to her in endearing terms, “My darling, why should you utter such unbecoming words, casting all confidence and affection to the winds, O timid lady? Bharat and Ram are my two eyes; I vouch for it calling Shankar as my witness. I will positively despatch a messenger at daybreak, and the two brothers (Bharat and Shatrughna) will speedily come on hearing the message. Then, after fixing an auspicious date and making all preparations I will solemnly bestow the kingdom on Bharata.” (1—4)
“Ram has no greed of sovereignty and is deeply attached to Bharata. I was only going to follow the usage obtaining among the princes, considering the seniority and juniority of the two princes.” (31)
The post श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 395 first appeared on League of India.
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