
श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 396

अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 32



राम सपथ सत कहुउँ सुभाऊ। राममातु कछु कहेउ न काऊ।।
मैं सबु कीन्ह तोहि बिनु पूँछें। तेहि तें परेउ मनोरथु छूछें।।
रिस परिहरू अब मंगल साजू। कछु दिन गएँ भरत जुबराजू।।
एकहि बात मोहि दुखु लागा। बर दूसर असमंजस मागा।।
अजहुँ हृदय जरत तेहि आँचा। रिस परिहास कि साँचेहुँ साँचा।।
कहु तजि रोषु राम अपराधू। सबु कोउ कहइ रामु सुठि साधू।।
तुहूँ सराहसि करसि सनेहू। अब सुनि मोहि भयउ संदेहू।।
जासु सुभाउ अरिहि अनुकूला। सो किमि करिहि मातु प्रतिकूला।।


प्रिया हास रिस परिहरहि मागु बिचारि बिबेकु।
जेहिं देखाँ अब नयन भरि भरत राज अभिषेकु।।32।।


I sincerely tell you, swearing by Råma a hundred times, that his mother (Kaushalya) never said a word to me in this connection. No doubt I arranged everything without consulting you and that is why my cherished desire has not been realized. Now give up your anger and put on a festal garb; a few days hence Bharata will be the prince regent. Only one thing has caused me pain; the second boon that you have asked for is something incongruous. My heart is still burning with the agony caused by it. Is it anger or jest, or is it all really true? Tell me with a cool mind Shri Ram’s guilt; everybody says Ram is extremely well-behaved. You too spoke well of him and loved him. Hearing now what you have asked, I have begun to suspect (whether your profession of love was genuine). How could he whose temperament was congenial even to an enemy act contrary to the will of his own mother?” (1—4)


No more of jesting or anger, my darling; make a reasonable and thoughtful request, so that I may now regale my eyes on the sight of Bharataís installation on the throne.” (32)

The post श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 396 first appeared on League of India.

from League of India