श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 398
अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 34
अस कहि कुटिल भई उठि ठाढ़ी। मानहुँ रोष तरंगिनि बाढ़ी।।
पाप पहार प्रगट भइ सोई। भरी क्रोध जल जाइ न जोई।।
दोउ बर कूल कठिन हठ धारा। भवँर कूबरी बचन प्रचारा।।
ढाहत भूपरूप तरु मूला। चली बिपति बारिधि अनुकूला।।
लखी नरेस बात फुरि साँची। तिय मिस मीचु सीस पर नाची।।
गहि पद बिनय कीन्ह बैठारी। जनि दिनकर कुल होसि कुठारी।।
मागु माथ अबहीं देउँ तोही। राम बिरहँ जनि मारसि मोही।।
राखु राम कहुँ जेहि तेहि भाँती। नाहिं त जरिहि जनम भरि छाती।।
देखी ब्याधि असाध नृपु परेउ धरनि धुनि माथ।
कहत परम आरत बचन राम राम रघुनाथ।।34।।
So saying, the wicked woman rose and stood up as though it were a swollen stream of fury that had issued from the mountain of sin and, overflowing with the water of anger, was too terrible to look at. The two boons she had asked for represented its banks, her inexorable obstinacy corresponded to its (swift) current and the impelling force of Manthara’s words stood for its eddies; uprooting the king like a tree the river headed towards the ocean of adversity. The king now perceived that the demand of the queen was really true, and that it was death itself which was dancing over his head in the disguise of his own consort. Clasping her feet he persuaded her to sit down and implored her, “Pray do not play the axe with respect to the solar race. Ask of me my own head and I will forthwith give it to you; but kill me not by tearing Ram from me. Retain Råma by any means whatsoever, or your bosom will burn with anguish all your life.” (1—4)
When the king saw the malady uncontrollable he dropped on the ground beating his head and sobbing out in most piteous tones, “Ram, O Ram, O Lord of Raghus!” (34)
The post श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 398 first appeared on League of India.
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