
WFH Diaries Leaders of Tomorrow: Ep 6 ft Sonia Sharda

Sonia Sharda

Sonia Sharda, Regional Head – Operations (West), WATConsult in her WFH Diaries shares the new perspectives that she has formed over time and acknowledges the perks of working from home.

According to Sonia Sharda, the whole pandemic situation has been quite unusual, to say the least. Its been a period of learning and relearning and has given us new ways of interacting with our friends, family, teams, and clients. Episode 5 of WFH Diaries Leaders of Tomorrow takes a quick look at Sharda’s work from home routine.

“Its definitely been a roller coaster filled with lazy Sundays, early mornings, and a load of endless meetings. The one thing that has helped me to get through this is the ability to work from home,” she shares.

As per Sharda, the fact that we can remotely operate and control things has really helped keep our sanity in check. “Working out of our houses has really given a new perspective to the digital era. More so for us because we are in the industry of people’s business,” she adds.

Further, she informs that she definitely misses the energy of working with her teams sitting in the same room in that one bustling environment, “Which has always given us some of our best works in the past,” quips Sharda.

Also Read: WFH Diaries Leaders of Tomorrow: Ep 5 ft Nilesh Iyer

Two things that she feels have really made a lot of difference, “Our companies have been extremely understanding and empathetic towards their employees – the fact that they have stood by their people and put them first has given people the opportunity to get by these months of WFH,” she says.

Second is technology – collaborating with new-age tools and connect with people have accelerated the advancements twofold.

WFH has also given her the time to pause and look at things that she genuinely wanted to do and enjoy. Watch the video to know more about her new agenda and daily tasks.

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