श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 401
अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 37
राम राम रट बिकल भुआलू। जनु बिनु पंख बिहंग बेहालू।।
हृदयँ मनाव भोरु जनि होई। रामहि जाइ कहै जनि कोई।।
उदउ करहु जनि रबि रघुकुल गुर। अवध बिलोकि सूल होइहि उर।।
भूप प्रीति कैकइ कठिनाई। उभय अवधि बिधि रची बनाई।।
बिलपत नृपहि भयउ भिनुसारा। बीना बेनु संख धुनि द्वारा।।
पढ़हिं भाट गुन गावहिं गायक। सुनत नृपहि जनु लागहिं सायक।।
मंगल सकल सोहाहिं न कैसें। सहगामिनिहि बिभूषन जैसें।।
तेहिं निसि नीद परी नहि काहू। राम दरस लालसा उछाहू।।
द्वार भीर सेवक सचिव कहहिं उदित रबि देखि।
जागेउ अजहुँ न अवधपति कारनु कवनु बिसेषि।।37।।
Stricken with grief the king repeated the word ‘Ram’ again and again and felt miserable like a bird that has been shorn of its wings. He prayed in his heart, “May the day never dawn nor may anyone go and tell Ram. Rise not, O sun-god, the progenitor of Raghu’s race; for you will be pained at heart to see the plight of Ayodhya.” The king’s affection and the relentlessness of Kaikeyi both were the highest of their kind in God’s creation. While the king was yet wailing, the day broke and the music of lute, flute and conch was heard at his door. Bards extolled him and minstrels sang his praises; they, however, pierced the king like shafts as he heard them. These and other tokens of rejoicing pleased him not even as ornaments repel a widow who has decided to accompany her deceased husband to the other world. None could have a wink of sleep that night since everyone was eagerly longing for a sight of Shri Ram.(1—4)
At the door waited a crowd of servants and ministers, who said to one another at the sight of the risen sun, “The Lord of Ayodhya has not yet woken up, what special reason can there be?” (37)
The post श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 401 first appeared on League of India.
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