श्रीरामचरितमानस (ŚhrīRāmcharitmānas) With English Translation – Day 402
अयोध्या काण्ड (AYODHYA KAAND) – Day 38
पछिले पहर भूपु नित जागा। आजु हमहि बड़ अचरजु लागा।।
जाहु सुमंत्र जगावहु जाई। कीजिअ काजु रजायसु पाई।।
गए सुमंत्रु तब राउर माही। देखि भयावन जात डेराहीं।।
धाइ खाइ जनु जाइ न हेरा। मानहुँ बिपति बिषाद बसेरा।।
पूछें कोउ न ऊतरु देई। गए जेंहिं भवन भूप कैकैई।।
कहि जयजीव बैठ सिरु नाई। दैखि भूप गति गयउ सुखाई।।
सोच बिकल बिबरन महि परेऊ। मानहुँ कमल मूलु परिहरेऊ।।
सचिउ सभीत सकइ नहिं पूँछी। बोली असुभ भरी सुभ छूछी।।
परी न राजहि नीद निसि हेतु जान जगदीसु।
रामु रामु रटि भोरु किय कहइ न मरमु महीसु।।38।।
“The king used to wake up during the last watch of the night everyday; his behaviour today appears most strange to us. Getting into the palace, O Sumantra, you go and rouse him; on receiving his orders we may proceed with our work.” Sumantra then entered the gynaeceum; but it wore such a dismal appearance that he was afraid to advance. It looked like a monster that would spring on him and devour him; its sight was so repelling. It seemed to be the very abode of calamity and sorrow. Since nobody answered his questions he proceeded to the apartment where the king and Queen Kaikeyi were. Greeting the king with the salutory words “Jai Jivan!” and bowing his head, he sat down. He turned pale to behold the condition of the king, who lay on the ground distracted with grief and colourless like a lotus stalk torn from its roots. The minister being too alarmed to ask any question, Kaikeyi, who was full of evil and void of all good, broke the silence. (1—4)
“The king had no sleep last night: Heaven alone knows the reason. He has been simply repeating “Ram, Ram” till daybreak and refuses to disclose the secret.” (38)
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