
Post influencer campaign, McDonald’s brings back Chicken McGrill in few markets

Chicken McGrill campaign

An influencer campaign and a round of petition signings later, Chicken McGrill has been brought back on the menu of McDonald’s North & East restaurants.

Spearheaded by comedian Abhishek Upmanyu, RJ Abhinav and Neha Dhupia, the #BringMcGrillBack was an influencer campaign that has resulted in the re-introduction of Chicken McGrill on the menu of McDonald’s North and East zone restaurants.

The campaign was supported by influencers Aneesah, Janvi and Aman Singhal. The aim was to get people to sign a petition on Change.org. At the last count, it had been signed by over 1800 persons, the goal being 2,500 people.

With this campaign, they were able to create a buzz before re-introducing a burger that was discontinued three years ago.

Many tweets can be found on the platform if one were to search for Chicken McGrill as a keyword. From time to time, people have expressed anguish at it being discontinued. With the announcement of it being brought back in North and East market restaurants, there has been an outpour of happiness.

Influencer Campaign

Abhishek Upmanyu took the line of how people often ask him to take up serious causes and how McGrill is a loved burger that must come back. His video was a direct chat with his followers. He directed them to his bio where he had shared a link to the petition.

Neha Dhupia’s video was an extension of Upmanyu’s narrative. She acknowledges his video, extends support and asks her followers to do the same. The hero of the conversation is the burger and their love for it.

RJ Abhinav kept up his candid demeanour for the video and put forth a heart-to-heart conversation with his followers. His concern was the discontinuation of the burger and how he had come across a petition to bring it back. He expressed his support for the cause and asked people to join in. He also shared a link to the petition in his bio.

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Saw something cute and positive! Sun rahe ho @mcdonaldsinindia Please #BringMcGrillBack

A post shared by RJ Abhinav (@rjabhinavv) on

Also Read: Emojis – a vehicle for engagement campaigns

Aneesah did a sketch where one may assume that she is talking about someone she was once in love with before explaining how she was, in fact, talking about the burger, which she missed terribly.

Janvi teamed up with a friend to portray a conversation of how she would love for the burger to be back, something she would love to see happen as a birthday gift. There is nothing she would want more, she claims.

Aman Singhal shared his attempt at making the Chicken McGrill burger, explaining how he has tried many times but has never been able to recreate the taste of the original that is sold by McDonald’s.

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McGrill Burger is one of my favourite burger from @mcdonaldsinindia and it has been discontinued from very long time. I tried to recreate McGrill burger at home many times and I failed all the time. Hence, I am very angry and I am requesting Mcdonald’s to please #BringMcGrillBack it in their menu again ! . . . . Follow @dilli_ke_pakwan

A post shared by Aman Singhal (@dilli_ke_pakwan) on

“Chicken McGrill has undoubtedly been one of the most loved menu items at McDonald’s. We have been receiving continuous requests and feedback from our customers to bring it back and we are excited to delight our customers this festive season with their favourite burger,” says Robert Hunghanfoo, Head, CPRL (Connaught Plaza Restaurants Pvt. Ltd. operates McDonald’s restaurants in North and East India). The burger will be priced at Rs 79.

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