
Infographic: B2B marketing strategies to activate on LinkedIn

B2B infographic

With more than 706 Mn members and 55 Mn+ companies, LinkedIn is the most steadfast professional social network that can be tapped with these B2B customer engagement strategies shared in the infographic.

Growing unemployment and reduced advertising spends had negatively impacted the B2B marketing space, but as the industry revives the customer engagement strategies in the infographic will help brands boost the efficiency of their marketing efforts.

The business environment at present continues to pose uncertainties, but the network on LinkedIn continues to stay engaged on the platform, along with marketers making the most of the substantial engagement.

96% B2B marketers used LinkedIn to distribute content (in the last 12 months) and 80% put paid strategies behind their content on the B2B social media platform, according to LinkedIn data.

While tapping the audience at our disposal it is also significant to consider the impact of COVID-19 on buying behavior, altered consumption patterns, and revamped business objectives.

Building a loyal consumer base that will stick through recessions and pandemics has been a growing priority for marketers in the post-COVID era, the steps outlined by LinkedIn in the infographic will help devise customer engagement strategies with an end to end approach.

Also Read: Infographic: Mistakes brands should avoid on social media

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