Did dinosaurs fart?
1 min read

Yes! Just like dogs, some insects, and even millipedes, dinosaurs undoubtedly would have passed gas.
Not only did Brontosaurus and Triceratops make wind, but they would have made a lot of it. So much, in fact, that it affected the entire Earth and its climate. One study found that dinosaurs’ ‘emissions’ were an important factor in keeping the planet warm and moist during the Mesozoic Era (250 to 65 million years ago).
Similarly, farts and burps shape our modern climate: emissions from livestock account for more than 10 per cent of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions today.
Asked by: Chiedza McNab, Liverpool
Read more:
- Do birds fart?
- If you hold in a fart, where does it go?
- What happens in my body when I fart?
- Does everybody fart?
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