
Instant Genius Podcast: Your brain chemistry and you, with Ginny Smith

Instant Genius

Science journalist and presenter Ginny Smith joins us on this episode of our brand new podcast.

Instant Genius is a bite-sized masterclass in podcast form. Each week, you’ll hear world-leading scientists and experts talking about the most fascinating ideas in science and technology today.

On this episode, Ginny talks to editor Dan Bennett about the chemicals that run your brain.

And if that’s not enough, you can hear even more from Ginny on Instant Genius Extra.

On this subscription-only show, available on Apple Podcasts, we take a deeper dive into the topics covered on Instant Genius. In this episode, you can hear Ginny tell us about the people who feel no pain, what brain chemistry has to do with hunger, and whether brain-enhancing drugs might one day be commonplace.

Let us know what you think of the episode with a review or a comment wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Listen to more episodes of Instant Genius:

from... sciencefocus.com