Black Panther: 10 Things About Vibranium That Make No Sense
The most significant fact about Wakanda in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the country’s possession of Vibranium. Black Panther made the metal a focal point in its story, with Wakanda known as a superpower as a result of holding an endless supply of this resource.
Captain America’s shield has also been a recurring part of the series and has pulled off incredible feats due to its status as a Vibranium weapon. With all that in mind, there are still many things about the element that don’t add up. These range from plot holes to clashes in established logic, and it’s worth bringing up the questions that have so far baffled many viewers about Vibranium.
10 How Can It Be Manipulated If It's Indestructible By Humans?

Vibranium is supposed to be so impervious to damage that nothing can even lay a dent on it. This is reconfirmed several times in the series, including times such as Captain America resisting a full-on hit from Thor and the latter being thrown back.
However, there’s the fact that the Vibranium shield was molded and bent to become what it is. Since the Americans didn’t have any other Vibranium on hand, they had to have manipulated it to bend that way. That shouldn’t be possible given that nothing can work against Vibranium, which makes it a headscratcher how the shield was ever made.
9 Why Does The Kinetic Energy Absorption Only Work Sometimes?

Vibranium is said to absorb kinetic energy and then disperse it the next time it comes into contact with something. However, this clearly isn’t the case since Captain America’s shield is shown to hit a target and then return to him.
If the kinetic energy was meant to be absorbed, the shield would instead fall to the ground and only release if it was thrown again. For some reason, this aspect works according to the plot’s requirement, as Black Panther’s suit releases the energy whenever he wants to. While the explanation in his case is that Shuri designed it that way, it didn't work against Thanos who punched T'Challa while he'd already absorbed energy.
8 Why Does Damage By Vibranium Vary Despite The Same Force Applied?

The Vibranium shield has been shown to go straight through trees, solid concrete, and glass, among other sturdy elements. And yet, it has also hit people with the same kind of force and only knocked them down. This was best seen when Captain America clobbered Quicksilver with the shield and only knocked him back.
Realistically, Vibranium should have similar effects no matter what it comes into contact with, meaning an organic being should be severely injured or even killed. The Black Panther suit is supposed to be even stronger, but the likes of Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier took clean hits and were able to get back up quickly.
7 Why Hasn't Any Other Vibranium Source Been Found In The MCU?

The MCU isn’t restricted to Earth or even the Milky Way and is so far-reaching that different universes have been seen. Despite that, there has never been any Vibranium found anywhere else other than Wakanda, which shouldn’t be possible since Vibranium wasn’t created there.
The element came from an asteroid that hit Earth a long time ago, which indicates that the source is somewhere out there. In that case, there should have been some other location where the element was also discovered. There are different kinds of Vibranium in the comics in separate worlds, which makes the MCU Vibranium an unexplained exception.
6 How Can Thanos Shatter It With Minimal Force?

It was after claiming the Mind Stone from Vision that Thanos completed his mission and the effects of the Snap were shown in Wakanda. However, there was a flaw in logic here as Thanos simply picked the stone out of Vision’s forehead with minimal effort, easily shattering his Vibranium casing.
Thanos had only moments earlier punched Captain America in the face at full force, only for the latter to wake up within minutes. Vibranium is easily more durable than organic beings, which should make it impossible for Thanos to prize the Mind Stone out of Vision since he applied less of an effort than he did against Steve Rogers.
5 How Was Howard Stark Able To Get Vibranium If He Didn't Know About Wakanda's Supply?

There have been plenty of questions about MCU’s Wakanda and one of the most pressing ones has to do with Vibranium’s first appearance. This was when Howard Stark presented it and claimed it was the only Vibranium in the entire world - that he then crafted into Captain America’s shield.
What doesn’t make sense is how Stark was able to get his hands on Vibranium. Since he claimed there was no other Vibranium other than the shield, it’s clear he didn’t know about Wakanda’s secret. There couldn’t have been a black market for it either since Stark wouldn’t have known of the value of Vibranium beforehand.
4 How Did Tony Stark Fix Captain America's Shield Without Using Vibranium?

Although Wakanda opened itself up to outsiders before Avengers: Endgame, it’s never been shown if Vibranium is traded freely. Regardless, Tony didn’t make use of any Vibranium himself, having indulged in nanotechnology instead.
While there’s no doubt that he’s among the smartest MCU characters, there’s no way for Tony to fix anything made of Vibranium without using the same element. Somehow, he was able to do just that by presenting Steve Rogers with the refurbished shield. It had been clawed by T’Challa years prior, yet Tony perfected it without having access to any Vibranium himself.
3 How Can Vibranium Be Resistant To Magic And Not To Weapons?

Captain America’s first interaction with Thor had them get into an argument that ended with the latter attacking him with Mjolnir. Despite the hammer being magical in nature, nothing happened to the shield. Similarly, Scarlet Witch had to direct all of her chaos magic energy toward Vision to shatter him, which took a significantly long time and indicated Vibranium’s durability.
All of this was later contradicted by Thanos in the Battle of Earth, where he used his double-bladed sword against Captain America’s shield and completely destroyed it. Thanos’ weapon was a normal one and wasn’t forged in a magical place like Nidavellir, which makes it uncertain how that was able to break Vibranium apart when magic was ineffective.
2 Why Does Vibranium Only Empower Soil And Plants Rather Than Humans?

This is another aspect that the Disney+ Wakanda TV series needs to explain as the show will take an in-depth look at the country. It was shown that Wakanda’s soil was extremely rich and fertile due to Vibranium being in it, but this opens up a head-scratcher over why humans are unaffected.
Humans are also living beings like plants and the Wakandans have been exposed to Vibranium’s radiation for centuries, which should mean that they need to be mutated as well. In the comics, there have been mutants like Nezhno Abidemi who have manifested powers due to Wakanda’s environment. This should be the case in the MCU as well but hasn’t shown up.
1 How Can Shuri's Gauntlets Fire Sonic Streams When Vibranium Is Impervious To Sonic Energy?

Sonic energy is a major weakness for Vibranium, as evidenced by the blasts sent by Ulysses Klau’s prosthetic arm and the sonic stabilizers that are built on tracks of the Wakandan Maglev Train within the Great Mound. This opens up the inconsistency with Shuri’s gauntlets as their main power is to shoot sonic blasts.
The sound has to be contained within Vibranium itself as that is the element Shuri uses in all her experiments. By this logic, the gauntlets themselves should be rendered useless as soon as the blasts are released. And yet, they are somehow impervious to the very thing Vibranium is ineffective against.
Source: Screenrant
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