
Buffy The Vampire Slayer's 8 Best Motivational Speeches

For many of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer faithful, their show can bring all the feels - from laughter to tears to inspiration and everything in between, sometimes all at once. One of the best things about Buffy is that the characters (by way of the writers) never gave up, and out of their determination came some very personalized motivational moments for the fandom.

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Whether inspiring the Scoobies to look at the bright side or encouraging a brood of potential slayers to go after the First Evil, few characters throughout entertainment can bring the best out of those around them, like the ex-cheerleader from Los Angeles.

8 Cordelia's Honesty

"I can be surrounded by people and be completely alone. It's not like any of them really know me." (Cordelia to Buffy, season one, episode 11 "Out of Sight, Out of Mind.")

As Cordelia campaigns for May Queen, people around her keep coming into misfortunes. As they all realize Cordy is the link, she finally shows Buffy see her softer side. Cordelia admitting that she feels alone inspired many fans to take a step back and really look at those around them. For many fans, this speech made it easier to see that not everyone who seems to have everything necessarily does. This episode truly humanizes Cordy, giving fans a sneak peek of the Cordelia that will star in the spinoff featuring her and Angel.

7 Extraordinary Sight

"I see more than anybody realizes, because nobody's watching me. I saw you last night. I see you working here today. You're not special. You're extraordinary." (Xander to Dawn, season seven, episode 12 "Potential.")

Xander was always the one who got it, who saw things no one else did. Encouraging Dawn to accept that she doesn't need powers to be powerful really allowed much of the fandom - whose core was initially comprised of the "weirdos" - feel seen.  Xander, who is controversial among fans, spoke directly to those outsiders when he told Dawn that she was a true hero. Being the one who can set yourself aside to do what is best for the majority is not a trait that everyone can possess, and to have it and be so willing to do it on a second's notice is something many do not get recognized for.

6 Deafening Silence

"Every single person down there is ignoring your pain because they're way too busy with their own. The beautiful ones, the popular ones, the guys that pick on you...everyone." (Buffy to Jonathan, season three, episode 18, "Earshot")

Infected by a demon, Buffy gains the ability to hear thoughts. Initially played for laughs, it became less and less funny and more chaotic as the show went on. Then Buffy hears a thought that someone is going to kill them all during lunch.

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Buffy may seem harsh at this moment, but it again inspired the many teenagers in their audience. Columbine left teens across the nation confused, scared and angry. Buffy helped speak to many teens through that genuine and scary time for them. She again motivated them not to judge people so quickly and to worry about themselves.

5 Inspiration In Song

"I've got a theory...it doesn't matter...What can't we face if we're together? What's in this place that we can't weather?" (Buffy to the Scoobies, season six, episode six, "One More Time, With Feeling).

In the late nineties and early aughts, every show did a musical episode. Though many fell, flat Buffy was the perfect place to allow for a logical reason for everyone to burst into song - by Buffy logic, that is.

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Even in the song, however, Buffy inspires the rest of the group to carry on. As the others are venting their fear and frustration in previous verses, Buffy gets right to the point - there is nothing this group can't do when they work together. Knowing that you have people who will have your back no matter what can lead even those with the biggest obstacles to achieving previously thought to be unattainable goals, and there is no replacement for that feeling.

4 Spike Encouraging Buffy

"I've seen your kindness, and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you. An I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are."  (Spike to Buffy, season seven, episode 20, "Touched")

After the gang voted for removing Buffy as their leader, a returning Spike rushes to her side to find her more emotionally destroyed than ever and even motivates her to be who he knows she can be. Anyone who listened to this speech was bound to be moved. To hear Spike, formerly a scrappy big bad, be so open and honest in his astonishment at Buffy truly let people realize that there is always someone out there who believes in you, even when you don't. For anyone lacking a sense of purpose, this knowledge can work miracles.

3 Sharing Power

"This woman is more powerful than all of them combined. So I say we change the rule. I say my power...should be our power." (Buffy to the Scoobies and Potentials, season seven, episode 22, "Chosen.")

In the series finale, Buffy makes the radical suggestion of using the newly found Scythe and Willow's magic to give all Potential slayers full power. In making this plan, the gang went up against the Patriarchy, years of tradition set by powerful men in a past time and pure evil. Buffy and the gang revealed secrets they had kept for years and chose to change the future for everyone. Hearing Buffy speak about a life constructed for them all from those in a past time, the marginalization of women in deciding their own paths, and taking their power back was a battle cry for a generation.

2 Buffy's Sacrifice

"You have to take care of each other. You have to be strong. Dawn, the hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live." (Buffy to Dawn, season five, episode 22, "The Gift.")

Season five came to a close in a cloud of uncertainty. Under these circumstances, the writers could actually kill off their main character with little fear of repercussions. With this speech, few fans did not feel that pride and confidence bubble up in them. Buffy did what she always did - made the ultimate sacrifice. To hear her acknowledge that there is nothing harder than living in the world was powerful for anyone in earshot.

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Even seeing her dead at the end couldn't undo the motivation that her final words and actions put into the hearts of audiences. It reestablished that everything about Buffy was powerful, from her magical strength to her very human empathy - and inspired others to act the same way.

1  All About Power

"I've had a lot of people talking at me the last few days. Everyone just lining up to tell me how unimportant I am. And I've finally figured out why. Power." (Buffy to the Watchers council, season five, episode 12, "CheckPoint.")

As the Watcher's Council shows up to supposedly test the slayer and see if she can be welcomed back into the fold, the entire gang is made to feel inadequate, including Buffy. After confrontations with Glory Buffy realizes what it is all about and confronts the Council. There is no feeling for a Buffy fan than those moments when Buffy unapologetically knows just how powerful and special she is. Watching her be so confident often inspired audiences to dig down deep inside of themselves as well, to embrace what they were good at, and to never apologize for that.

Source: Screenrant