Every Vendor in Destiny 2 (& What They Sell) | Screen Rant

Every Vendor scattered across the system in Destiny 2 has something to sell Guardians, but it can be difficult to keep track of who sells what. Some of the vendors don't have anything to offer newer players, while others are off in places that were popular during past seasons. It's important to know, however, who sells what so the appropriate item can be found whenever needed.
Nearly every vendor sells something that earns players XP to complete the Season Pass, or something related to the content tide in with the season where they were introduced. Additionally, some vendors have ranks that increase as their bounties are completed, activities are played, or materials are exchanged. These ranks provide encrypted engrams that, offer a random piece of armor, world or seasonal weapon, and even the occasional Enhancement Core.
Here is every vendor in Destiny 2, and where they can be found.
The Tower
- Zavala
- Banshee-44
- Suraya Hawthorne
- Lord Shaxx
- Saint-14
- The Drifter
- Ada-1
- Amanda Holiday
- Master Rahool
- Xur
- Splicer Servitor
- War Table
- Prismatic Recaster
- Umbral Decoder
- Wayfinder's Compass
European Dead Zone (EDZ)
- Devrim Kay
- Shaw Han
- Variks the Loyal
Tangled Shore
- Crow
- Spider
The Moon
- Eris Morn
- Lectern of Enchantment
Dreaming City
- Petra Venj
- Failsafe

The Tower
It should come as no surprise that the majority of vendors in Destiny 2 can be found in the Tower, headquarters of the Guardians where they keep a watchful eye over the Last City. Zavala, Lord Shaxx, and Drifter oversee Vanguard Strikes, the Crucible, and Gambit, respectively. Each of them offers bounties the award players XP when completed. They have a separate "Additional Bounties" section as well, where players can purchase them for increased Glimmer to earn both XP and Bright Dust. Additionally, each of them has its own rank that awards the listed items when that rank is reached in Crucible, Gambit, and Vanguard Strikes playlists.
Banshee-44 and Ada-1 sell items of a similar nature, but the former deals with weapons while the latter deals with armor in Destiny 2. Banshee offers daily bounties that can be completed in exchange for XP, Enhancement Cores, and Mod Components. Additionally, Banshee has a rotating weapon pool that changes weekly, each weapon has different perks when they're back in stock. Banshee also sells mods that can be applied to weapons. Ada-1 offers bounties that reward Synthweave Bolts, which can be exchanged for armor ornaments. The ornaments allow players to customize their gear to look like any piece of armor they've acquired in-game, like the Praefectus Armor from Destiny 2's Season of the Chosen, while retaining all of their original armor's stats. nly 10 can be completed per season per character. Ada-1 also sells mods that can be applied to armor. Both Banshee and Ada-1 sell Upgrade Modules, Enhancement Prisms, and Ascendant Shards.
Saint-14 leads the Trials of Osiris and offers rewards for increased ranks. Additionally, armor and weapons with random gear can be purchased for materials and Trials Engrams. Trials Engrams are earned by reaching the major ranks of Trials of Osiris. This playlist contains the endgame PvP content. Amanda Holiday is found near Saint-14 in the Tower Hanger and sells a couple of different uncommon ships and sparrows.

While Xur is often in the Destiny 2 Tower Hanger, he can also be found on Nessus at the Watcher's Grave or Winding Cove in the European Deadzone. It varies weekend to weekend, but he always sells a random Hunter, Titan, and Warlock Exotic armor piece with random stat rolls. Additionally, he sells an Exotic Cipher that awards a random piece of Exotic Gear, and starting in Season of the Lost Xur sells Legendary weapons and armor. Every other week, Xur also has an Exotic Cipher quest available, where Guardians must complete 21 playlist activities to earn the cipher. Return to him that weekend, or any following, grab the reward, and either hold on to it or turn it back to Xur for another Exotic gear piece. Exotic Ciphers can also be used to unlock a weapon in the Exotic Archive, weapons that will never be earned through Xur.
Finally, the last two vendors in the Tower are Suraya Hawthorne and Master Rahool. Suraya manages all activities relating to clans, sells a weekly raid bounty, and offers Raid Banners in exchange for Glimmer or Legendary Shards. Master Rahool decrypts Prime Engrams for free and offers Legendary Engrams containing a random piece of gear for 35 Legendary Shards.

The HELM is home to vendors from Season of the Chosen, Splicer, and Lost. All three Destiny 2 seasonal quest lines are active and will continue to be active until the Witch Queen expansion launches in Feb. 2022. In addition to the seasonal quests, the Splicer Servitor and Wayfinder Compass offer bounties relating to those quest lines and activities. The War Table, Splicer Servitor, and the Wayfinder Compass all have armor mods for sale as well. These vendors also allow upgrades to be made to their seasonal items here. The War Table also offers a banner and ship from Season of the Chosen when the max rank is reached.
The Prismatic Recaster and Umbral Decoder are both located in the center of the HELM. The Umbral Decoder decrypts Umbral Engrams and turns them into a random gear piece, and awards engrams and rank points by using the Umbral Decoder. The Prismatic Recaster focuses Umbral Engrams into whichever gear piece is selected. There are options to focus engrams for gear in Season of the Chosen, Splicer, and Lost.

The Tangled Shore, The Moon, The Dreaming City, and Europa.
The Tangled Shore, Moon, are all part of the DLC expansions in Destiny 2, but anyone can travel to these locations. The Tangled Shore vendors are Spider and Crow, and before Crow can even be accessed the Trail of the Hunted mission on the Moon must be completed. This will officially kick off the events for Season of the Hunt, and afterward, Crow and Spider will both be found in Spider's Lair. Spider sells Bounties, Wanted Bounties, Enhancement Prisms, Enhancement Cores, Glimmer, and world materials. While Crow doesn't sell anything, he'll be able to upgrade the Lure for Season of the Hunt-related activities.
Eris Morn sells Moon Bounties and Lost Dead Ghost quests. Lost Dead Ghost quests are used to acquire a large number of Phantasmal Fragments, which can be turned into the Lecturn of Enchantment. Phantasmal Fragments are used to craft a Phantasmal Core, which is then exchanged for a Nightmare Essence. Use the Nightmare Essences to unlock reissued moon gear. The Lecturn of Enchantment also sells Nightmare Bounties, an end game activity for the Shadowkeep Expansion.
Petra Venj leads the defense against the Taken and Scorn invasion on the Dreaming City and offers weekly bounties and quests that reward reissued Dreaming City armor and weapons. She also sells consumables for Blind Wells, the Tincture of Queensfoil, and Raid Banners. Petra can be seen in other locations across the system, but the Dreaming City is the only one where she is a vendor.
Variks the Loyal resides on Europa, and can only be accessed through the Beyond Light expansion. After the Beyond Light expansion is completed, Variks will offer a few different activities for players to complete. The first is Europa Bounties, normal bounties that reward XP. Fallen Empire's objectives are Empire Hunts where Guardians will have to fight House Salvation's newcomers, the villains from the expansion. Variks also offers quests to acquire Europa weapons and the Braytech Transponder consumable.

The EDZ, Cosmodrome, and Nessus
The EDZ is home to content that no longer exists from the original launch of Destiny 2, but recent activities in Beyond Light seasons have seen it become relevant once more. Unfortunately, Devrim Kay still has little to offer players other than Dusklight Shard materials. Devrim has three daily bounties that award 10 Dusklight Shards each, which can be used to level up his reputation rank. He offers armor rewards for those who have claimed enough engrams, but the weapons from the engrams and his menu are all sunset weapons.
For all new players, or players creating new characters, the Destiny 2 Cosmodrome is where they begin. Shaw Han offers more than a dozen Cosmodrome bounties that award XP and Spinmetal Leaves. Additionally, for those who have yet to grab it, he has the Blast From The Past quest that awards The Chaperone Exotic Shotgun.
Lastly, Failsafe is the semi-malfunctioning AI on Nessus who leads many Strikes and Battlegrounds missions on the planet. Like Devrim Kay, she offers a few bounties with sunset weapons as rewards. Although the armor is usable, it's only worth getting for the Transmog system. Additionally, her dialogue has not been updated, so interacting with her will have dialogue from the time before the Forsaken expansion.
Destiny 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S, and Google Stadia platforms.
Source: Screenrant
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