
Survivor: The 10 Best Merged Tribe Names, According To Reddit

Survivor is an enduringly popular reality show, and one of its most unique aspects is its team or tribe names. Tribe names often have something to do with the native culture of the country the season is being filmed in, and they are often beautiful. But then the merge comes, and the survivors are tasked with creating their own tribe name.

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Some of these names are awful and turn the team into laughing stocks, but others are quite nice. These names can be touching, meaningful, or just sound really cool, regardless of their meaning. And according to Reddit, these are the greatest names of them all.

10 Nobag

Gabon is one of the most underrated seasons of Survivor, and while it is objectively terrible from a gameplay perspective, the unpredictable nature of the season and its wacky cast makes it highly entertaining.

And what better way to honor the goofy season than with a goofy tribe name (simply "Gabon" spelled backward). Redditor pount writes, "I love Nobag, it's just so perfect for a season like Gabon honestly." JTSFxEv agrees, writing, "Nobag is so perfect to Gabon."

9 Merica

To this day, opinion on Merica remains firmly divided. The meaning behind the name is perfectly explained by Redditor MavPuzzles, who writes, "As you know, the American flag colors are red, white, and blue. This season's theme is white collar, blue collar, and no collar, which is a red tribe. So it makes [sense] that they name their merge tribe after America."

Swordfischh writes, "Merica is the best. I literally have no idea why people get so mad over it and think it’s the worst," and Surferdude1219 adds, "I actually really liked Merica, it was a cool one that fit the theme."

8 Barramundi

The Australian Outback was just the second season of the show, yet it provided one of its greatest merged tribe names. Barramundi was the merged tribe of Kucha and Ogakor, and it's named after an Australian fish. As Pink_Y nicely summarizes, the tribe name "Sounds badass."

Kissfromahroze also writes, "My favorite is Barramundi from [Australian Outback]." Colby Donaldson was one Survivor contestant who changed how the game was played, and Barramundi proved that a merged tribe name could sound cool while still having meaning to the native country.

7 Balboa

Pearl Islands is one of the best seasons of Survivor, and it has what could very well be the best merged tribe name. Redditor Mjgoldberg sums it up perfectly, stating, "I've always liked Balboa, not only because it quasi-fit with the theme, with Balboa being the name of an explorer who sailed in that area but in a different time period, but also because it was the name of Rupert's snake."

A lot of people like the meaning behind the name, including Pink_Y, mentioned above, who writes, "Here we get to see earlier in the season like a 10-15 minute story about why the tribe has that name."

6 Dangrayne

Despite sounding cool and having a fun spelling, Dangrayne is nothing more than a simple pun on "dang rain" (the contestants being frustrated with all the rain).

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As Pink_Y summarizes, "This is the best name because it isn't a translation of anything, the story behind it is great, isn't a combination of the previous tribe names, and it sounds f***ing awesome." Redditor kath-diana agrees, stating simply, "Dangrayne is so good." A simple pun can evidently go a long way.

5 Xhakúm

Portmanteau tribe names are often quite boring, but Xhakúm proves the exception. It is a portmanteau of Guatemala's Yaxhá and Nakúm. As Leich27 writes, "The only portmanteau I like is Xhakúm."

Baynavfreak adds to this, saying, "Fun to say, and made even more fun by Lydia’s exclamation, 'BA BA BA BOOM! XHAKÚM!'" Finally, shamoose777 states, "[Xhakúm] sounds so badass." It's pretty safe to say that the Reddit fans of Survivor love the tribe name -- even if it is a portmanteau.

4 Jacaré

Hailing from The Amazon, Jacaré is the merged tribe of Jaburu and Tambaqui and is a Portuguese word meaning "alligator." It's a personal favorite of many Reddit users, including KickTheTroll, who states simply, "Jacare is probably my favorite."

Jephira also adds, "I've always liked the sound of Jacaré." Unfortunately, both users failed to go into further detail, so it's impossible to tell why they love the name so much. But love it they do.

3 Dabu

Dabu is historic for a number of reasons. Not only is it known for containing the first all-female Final Four (in Natalie, Cirie, Amanda, and Parvati), but its name is also total nonsense. Erik Reichenbach claimed that "Dabu" was Micronesian for "good," but that is not true.

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However, it's just this aspect that has made Dabu such a famous tribe name. As Pink_Y writes, "Erik's joke name that he told the tribe meant 'good.' What a legend." RainahReddit also states, "Dabu is funny because the joke is that everyone assumes Erik is such a superfan he looked up Micronesian, but he just pulls something out of his ass."

2 Soliantu

Boston Rob is an undeniable Survivor fan-favorite player, and he is partly responsible for naming the merged tribe Soliantu -- it was both he and Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien who made it up to mean "sacred allegiance to the Sun."

DabuSurvivor writes, "Dabu and Soliantu are prob eternally my top two," and Monchichi22689 states simply that Soliantu is a "good" tribe name. ArkhamDaxter also declares Soliantu one of the "best" merged tribe names in Survivor history.

1 Vinaka

Vinaka is a three-way merged tribe, combining Ikabula, Takali, and Vanua. "Vinaka" is the Fijian word for "thank you," and a lot of people seem to love it.

Josenanigans writes, "I really liked Vinaka, and David saying it when he got voted out was a pretty great moment." Redditor SuperEzIoNe states, "Vinaka because it actually had meaning (Thank you in Fijian)."

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Source: Screenrant