This Is What Needs To Happen In Love, Victor Season 3
When Love, Victor premiered in 2020, it became one of the best new teen shows of the year. Fast forward a year and the second season is equally as successful, boasting a 100 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The second season was just as dramatic and ended on another major cliffhanger, which had fans instantly rallying for the series to get renewed for a third season. Their hopes were answered in September 2021, when Hulu officially announced that Love, Victor would be getting a third season.
While most fans are sure the writers will address several of the season's two cliffhangers in the third season, many also have other ideas for what the writers should do with the third season. First on their list is for certain storylines to be put to rest, having run their course in the first two seasons. Fans also hope to see some of the fun holiday and musical aspects that were featured in Love, Simon plays out in this spin-off world.
10 Victor Stays Single For A While

At its core, Love, Victor, like its predecessor, is about a young teen's journey to accepting his sexuality without fear and judgment. However, this has manifested quite a few romances for young Victor in the short two seasons the show has been on the air. In the first season, Victor finds himself dating Mia, while secretly pining for Benji. Victor then finds himself in a love triangle in season 2, as he confronts his feelings for both Benji and Rahim.
While fans love to see Victor happy and in love, many have started to fear that Victor loses himself too quickly in these relationships. Since he only recently came out and began to accept himself, fans want to see Victor take time to get to know who he is and live life away from a relationship.
9 Mia Becomes A Great Big Sister

Like all the Love, Victor characters, Mia is still trying to figure out who she is. She's had an incredibly stressful two seasons, and that doesn't seem to be changing any time soon. At the end of season two, Mia learns that her dad and pregnant step-mom want to move her across the country, and instead of agreeing, she runs away to visit her estranged mother.
Despite all the turmoil in Mia's life, fans are hopeful that she'll come around to the idea of being a big sister. After all, Mia is a fantastic friend who gives the best advice, so it should be easy for her to transition into that wise older sister role.
8 More From Adrian

Victor might be the main character in Love, Victor, but that doesn't mean he's the only Salazar family member that gets to shine. Pilar, Armando, and Isabel all have had incredible arcs over the course of the two seasons but sadly, Adrian has been largely left out.
Fans are hoping that changes in season three because Adrian has the potential to be great. Fans have seen glimpses of potential storylines in that he's already begun to question his religious upbringing in the wake of learning that Victor is gay. Adrian's character offers the writers a unique point-of-view into the Salazar's changing family dynamic and it would be great to see more.
7 A Holiday Episode

One of the best things about many TV shows is their memorable and hilarious, holiday episodes. The closest Love, Victor has gotten to a holiday special revolved around Victor's 16th birthday, but fans are hoping that changes soon.
Christmas would be the ideal holiday for Love, Victor to tackle because the show could explore Latinx traditions around the holiday. It would also be the perfect time to bring Victor's grandparents back in and perhaps, have him come out to them.
6 Felix And Pilar Go On An Official Date

Felix and Pilar have become one of the biggest will-they won't-they couples on TV, which means fans are constantly screaming about these two online. Though timing has never been on their side, by the end of season two, it appears as though they've finally realized that they have feelings for each other.
Though Pilar and Felix have hung out before, fans are hoping that they'll go on actual dates and explore their relationship in season three now that they've accepted the fact that they both like each other as more than friends.
5 Simon Should Visit Creekwood

Though Simon doesn't play as big of a role in Love, Victor as he did in Love, Simon, he has been a consistent name in the spin-off. Acting as Victor's therapist and advice giver at times, Simon has built a close relationship with Victor despite only meeting once when Victor traveled to New York.
Fans are eager to see Victor and Simon reunite again, but they hope that this time it involves Simon coming home to Creekwood. After all, Simon's family still lives in Creekwood, so it's not like him visiting would only be about Victor.
4 Lake Should Explore Her Sexuality

Lake may have started as a minor character, but she has flourished into her own, winning over the hearts of Love, Victor fans everywhere. Though Lake has exclusively been interested in her male classmates, there were hints dropped at the end of season two that Lake might be interested in pursuing a relationship with Lucy, Andrew's ex-girlfriend.
Given that Love, Victor is a show centered on characters exploring their sexuality, fans are hopeful that they'll get to see Lake do just that in season three. After all, TV is tragically behind when it comes to representing teen girls in same-sex relationships.
3 A Musical Episode

A surprising amount of Love, Simon revolved around music, with Simon participating in the school's musical and, of course, the iconic scene where Simon envisions a flash mob welcoming him to college. However, Love, Victor hasn't been as musically inclined besides a few scenes involved Benji and his band.
Since Love, Victor is a spin-off of Love, Simon, fans would love to see more over-the-top musical scenes. After all, few things are better than when a non-musical show breaks into a musical number.
2 More Cameos From Love, Simon Characters

One of the best things about Love, Victor being a descendent of Love, Simon is that the beloved movie characters can make appearances in the series. Victor has already met Simon and Bram in season one and season two saw the addition of Simon's dad to the cast, but fans still want more.
Love, Simon's Abby might be the perfect friend for Mia since she knows what it's like to come from a divorced family. Leah and Lake might hit it off, and there's certainly hope for Nick and Felix to be best friends too.
1 Armando Moves Back In

A large part of Isabel and Armando's story in Love, Victor revolves around their marital struggles. In the first season, the two tried to make things work in the wake of Isabel's cheating, but they decided that they needed time to figure things out by season two.
However, by the end of the season, it seemed as if these two had realized they were better together. With the new revelation, fans hope that Armando will move back into their apartment for season three.
Source: Screenrant
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