86: Most Likable Characters, Ranked | ScreenRant
Possibly the worst anime ever to watch while you're sad, 86 follows Lena, a soldier in the Republic of San Magnolia, as she ascends the ranks and becomes handler of the 86, a squadron of conscripted children that pilot robotic Juggernauts. The 86 fight against the Legion, an army of autonomous robots, as Lena deals with the corruption in her government and fights against the treatment of the conscripted soldiers.
The anime shows the bleakest sides of war, including propaganda and corruption, through its complex and beautifully animated characters. There are many likable characters in 86 such as Raiden and Lena, who help to make the story world a rich and interesting place to explore.
9 Jérôme Karlstahl

A cynical and authoritarian Brigadier General of the Republic army, Jérôme became more and more jaded throughout the years. He joined the army before the Republic became complacent and lazy, and still bears scars from hard-fought battles.
Jérôme often butts heads with Lena, as they both have a connection through Lena's father but differ in their worldviews. Lena believes that everyone should be safe, including the 86 platoon, but Jérôme is disgusted with the general populace and the army's practices. However, Jérôme contributes to the unethical practices by ordering Lena to censor her battlefield reports and omit the number of casualties, making him not only unlikable but worthy of being considered an underrated anime villain.
8 Henrietta "Annette" Penrose

Workaholic Henrietta - nicknamed Annette - was a childhood friend of Lena. Annette also knew and befriended Shin before the war, but was bullied for hanging out with Shin due to his race. Annette's family provided shelter for Shin and his family, but Annette eventually asked for them to leave due to the bullying she received, so Shin was sent to the 86. The guilt she felt over sending them away to their deaths drives many of Annette's actions during the series.
Annette's guilt and frustration with herself, in addition to her trauma from her father's death, makes 86 a much more psychological anime, delving into the thought processes of those behind the front lines. Annette might not be super likable, but her emotions make her a complex character.
7 Ernst Zimmerman

Ernst is the president of the Federal Republic of Giad. In his first appearance in the anime, he is shown to be a kind man that disregards rules in favor of empathy towards the children that escaped the battlefield, even adopting them into his care as his sons and daughters.
Ernst is likable because he believes in the good of humanity, willing to destroy everything if humanity cannot pull itself together and work for a better world. Ernst desperately wants to be a father figure to the survivors of the 86 and Frederica, the outspoken and steadfast empress.
6 Theoto Rikka

Theo is a talented artist that painted the squadron's Personal Marks onto their Juggernauts. He is sarcastic, aloof, and brutally honest, unafraid to speak his mind about things such as Lena's involvement in the 86's activities. He has great disdain for the handlers that take over the 86, drawing caricatures of each of them based on their voices through the PARA-Raid.
Theo has contempt for Lena at first, stating bluntly that even though she checks in with them and attempts to be nice, it doesn't change the fact that Theo and the 86 are stuck on a battlefield and sent to their deaths. Theo's style of speaking isn't meant to be likable, but his character does become sympathetic when the audience considers his point of view.
5 Kurena Kukumila

A long-range specialist with the codename Gunslinger, Kurena is a kind character that adores Shin. She can often be seen talking to the other 86 members about Shin, for example when she chatted excitedly with the robot Fido about the time Shin praised her. Kurena's crush on Shin could blossom into a great anime romance, but Shin's personality and trauma - as well as his apparent preference for Lena - may be too much of a barrier for him to reciprocate her feelings.
Kurena avoids Lena and speaks bluntly to her since Kurena can pick up on Lena's feelings for Shin. However, Kurena's exceptional skill on the battlefield and tragic story of conscription into the army make her a little more likable.
4 Raiden Shuga

Raiden is the big brother figure in the 86 squadron, taking on household chores such as cooking to keep the platoon running. Raiden is emotional and is was often confrontational when he joined the 86, but through the influence of his friends, he learned to be compassionate and look out for their best interests.
Raiden is an extremely competent fighter, one of the few that is able to fight alongside Shin but works best in a supportive role, keeping his teammates safe, laying down suppressive fire to keep the Legion at bay. He firmly believes in living life on his own terms, choosing to support his team and take care of them at home rather than rushing into battle.
3 Anju Emma

Anju is an excellent fighter that was abused and bullied when she was first taken to the internment camps. Other prisoners carved words into her back and caused her scars all over her body, which she hides with her clothing and long hair. Ruthless on the battlefield, she is helpful and mischievous at home, often teasing Kurena about her crush on Shin.
Anju becomes one of the most likable characters in the show after Daiya confesses his feelings for her and promptly dies, leaving Anju with trauma and longing. Anju's story is heartbreaking, and many fans of the show sympathize with her, especially as she keeps her feelings bottled up and expresses her emotions privately.
2 Shinei Nouzen

As the Undertaker, Shin has the most responsibility in the 86, patrolling at night to protect his comrades, listening out for the Legion thanks to his power, and taking it upon himself to kill his comrades humanely so that they don't become part of the Legion. Shin's story is utterly heartbreaking, betrayed by both his brother and his childhood friend Annette, but Shin is a very kind and compassionate person that is willing to do what is right.
The tone of this show, with its bleakness and death, is on par with some of the best anime on Netflix like Death Note, but Shin differs from Light in that he would literally lay his own life on the line for his friends, ensuring that they are kept safe from the government and the Legion.
1 Vladilena "Lena" Milizé

Despite her young age, Lena is a dedicated and talented handler for the Spearhead Squadron. She begins the series as inexperienced and worried for her soldiers but soon earns the nickname Bloody Reina for her demanding and risky leadership skills. Despite the nickname, Lena's squadrons have low fatality rates, and eventually, her soldiers see her as human in comparison to their weak-willed past handlers.
Born into a noble house, Lena's sheltered upbringing made her naive, but she is expertly able to navigate the social hierarchy and command respect from her soldiers. She genuinely cared about the 86, which her peers mocked her for, and fought for their rights even when it was detrimental to her own career. These qualities make her one of the most likable characters in the entire series.
Source: Screenrant
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