
Captain America Trilogy: One Quote From 10 Main Characters That Goes Against Their Personality

Along with Steve Rogers himself, the Captain America trilogy features some of the biggest characters in the MCU. From the heroes who fight alongside Cap to the adversaries he battles to save the day, these characters all have their own interesting and distinct personalities.

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However, they also all have moments where they don't quite act like themselves. Even one simple quite suggests a different side to these characters than what fans had come to expect. Even Captain America sometimes says something less heroic than usual.

10 Red Skull: "I Must Congratulate You, Arnim."

Red Skull is the first major villain Captain America faces off with in the MCU and one of his most iconic foes from the comics. As the leader of Hydra who is bent on world domination, most of Red Skull's quotes are the typical evil megalomaniacal stuff.

Certainly, Red Skull is not the type of person to be throwing around compliments often. But he seems to recognize good work when he sees it as he offers his scientific henchman Arnim Zola his congratulations on completing his device.

9 Brock Rumlow: "Cap, This Ain't Personal."

Though he poses as a teammate of Steve Rogers while at SHIELD, Brock Rumlow is actually one of the Hydra agents working to take over the organization. Of course, judging by his intense and gruff attitude, it is not exactly shocking when he turns out to be a villain.

During the infamous elevator fight in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Rumlow claims it isn't anything personal against Cap. However, he does seem to have a real hatred for the hero and the line is especially funny considering Rumlow kills himself trying to blow up Cap in Captain America: Civil War.

8 Arnim Zola: "The Sanity Of The Plan Is Of No Consequence."

Arnim Zola is a key member in the forming of Hydra. He is by Red Skull's side throughout the war and helped it grow into a real threat. He also masterminds bringing Hydra back from the dead within SHIELD.

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But in Captain America: The First Avenger, Zola certainly does not seem like the unwavering supporter of Hydra. Instead, it feels more like he is afraid of Red Skull and it just going along with everything. He even suggests Red Skull is insane which is surprising considering how dedicated he is to Hydra in the future.

7 Sharon Carter: "Depends On Where You’re Standing."

Despite secretly spying on Steve Rogers on Nick Fury's orders, Sharon Carter seems to be his loyal ally afterward. However, it is later revealed in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier that Sharon is actually the Power Broker, a villainous arms dealer.

Once the audience knows this dark secret about Sharon, her moments of heroics in the Captain America trilogy seem false. When she stands up to Rumlow during Hydra's planned coup, she maintains she has chosen the right side. That feels like an empty statement now that she's switched sides.

6 Peggy Carter: "You Always Wanted To Be A Soldier, And Now You Are, Just Like All The Rest."

Though the romance between Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter is one of the MCU's best love stories, Peggy is far more than a love interest. She is a hero in her own right who joins the fight while showing her bravery and professionalism as a soldier.

Even though it is clear she has strong feelings for Steve when she sees him sharing a kiss with another woman, she acts quite out of character. She is not the type of person that would allow her personal feelings or jealousy to get in the way of her job.

5 Nick Fury: "I Do Share. I'm Nice Like That."

There is an interesting relationship between Steve Rogers and Nick Fury in the MCU. Whereas Steve was an old-school soldier, he doesn't trust Fury's more secretive methods of fighting wars. Indeed, Nick Fury has made mistakes with his spy games, but he still likes to keep things under wraps.

When Steve confronts Fury about his latest top-secret mission, Fury is uncharacteristically open. Though he says it in a sarcastic manner, he knows better than anyone that sharing is not one of his greatest strengths.

4 Natasha Romanoff: "Maybe Tony's Right."

Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff become good friends over the course of the trilogy. Though they have plenty of other superhero friends, they seem to go to each other for support more than anyone else.

One of the rare times they find themselves on the opposite side of a fight is in Captain America: Civil War. Not only does Natasha disagree with Steve about the Sokovia Accords, but she also sides with Tony which is even a surprise for Tony.

3 Sam Wilson: "Look, I'll Tell You… But You Have To Go Alone And As A Friend."

After meeting only briefly during a morning jog, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson form an instant bond. From there, Sam is always by Steve's side and is someone he can always count on. When Steve goes on the run or breaks the rules, Sam is there with him.

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However, after Sam is arrested in Captain America: Civil War, he has a rare moment of betraying Steve's trust. He tells Tony where Steve is heading, and while he sees it as being helpful, Steve and Tony would never have had their fight if he didn't say anything.

2 Bucky Barnes: "You're My Mission."

Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes's relationship is a favorite in the MCU. The two life-long friends had been through so much together and looked out for each other the whole time. Their love for each other is very apparent which makes it all the more heartbreaking when they are forced to be enemies.

When Bucky emerges as the Winter Soldier, the two former friends must battle each other. Though Steve tries to remind him who he really is and the relationship they have together, Bucky only sees Steve as his enemy.

1 Captain America: "Thanks For The Run. If That's What You Wanna Call Running."

Steve Rogers is not just a hero because he saves the day from villains. He proves himself to be a kind and polite person at all times, offering small acts of kindness wherever he can. While other MCU heroes can be sarcastic and rude, Steve is just a nice guy.

But during their first meeting, Steve has a rare moment where he insults Sam Wilson. After lapping him several times on their run, Steve makes a joke about Sam's speed. Though it is just a friendly bit of teasing and shows their fast bond, it is surprising coming from Captain America.

NEXT: 5 Times Captain America Had A Brilliant Plan (& 5 When He Just Got Lucky)

Source: Screenrant