Destiny 2 Players Can Get Infinite Supers in PVP With a New Telesto Glitch
Destiny 2 is renowned for several hilarious and ridiculous glitches that occurred, and still occur, throughout the years since its debut in 2017. This is generally attributed to the fact that Destiny 2 is simply a massive game, where all the concurrent files can sometimes create interestingly broken combinations between actions and possible outcomes. There have been plenty over time, with one of the most notorious glitches being when the so-called "laser-tag weekend" took place in the Crucible, soon after the launch of the Curse of Osiris expansion.
For those who don't recall it or didn't experience it, the protagonist of that weekend was the Exotic trace rifle called Prometheus Lens, which dealt massive damage due to a bug, and Bungie capitalized on it by making Xur sell it on that week's Friday. Weapon glitches are common in Destiny 2, even though the award of the most bugged gun has to go to Telesto. This Exotic fusion rifle has always been very problematic, and often it breaks the game in critical, yet comical ways.
Telesto broke the game not long into Destiny 2's Season of the Lost when combined with a seasonal mod called Thermoclastic Blooming, which allowed the gun to generate infinite supplies of Orbs of Power. Something very similar to that is happening now, weeks after the ordeal, in a very similar way. As a matter of fact, Destiny 2 YouTuber and content creator shared a video of the new glitch happening in the Crucible when middle tree Striker Titans use Ballistic Slam on enemy Telesto bolts.
The Striker Titans' Code of the Missile tree has a perk called Impact Conversion, which states that hitting targets with Ballistic Slam grants Super energy. Because Telesto bolts have always been considered enemy combatants and targets by the game, hitting enemy bolts with Ballistic Slam grants around one-third to half Super energy on average, but it can grant even more than that depending on how many bolts are hit. This new glitch has the potential to break the game in the Crucible and Gambit if it's not fixed soon, as it can grant Supers very fast.
While Bungie is known for trying to address glitches like this rather quickly, the issue with Telesto remains, and often resurfaces. Luckily, there will be no Trials of Osiris this weekend in Destiny 2, meaning that if the issue persists it will only affect a few sparse Gambit matches and regular PVP matches.
Destiny 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Source: Gamerant
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