
Love On The Spectrum Season 2 Dates, Ranked | ScreenRant

The second season of Netflix's Love on the Spectrum saw individuals from the first season return along with a new cast of characters, all with one thing in common: They were looking for love. There were many first dates on Love on the Spectrum season 1, as well as a few second and even third dates.

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In season 2, some of the dates went swimmingly, but even so, the couples didn't feel that spark and decided to move on. In other cases, the dates were awkward from the get-go. Yet each taught the cast (and viewers) something different about their personalities and the unique experiences of people who are autistic.

10 Jayden And Charlotte - French Food In The Gardens

The dinner date eating French food in the garden seemed to go well. However, things ended on a disappointing note when Charlotte said she would love to see Jayden again, but only as a friend.

Indeed, they did remain friends, and they still meet up regularly to chat and enjoy each other's company, according to the end credits. Yet the romantic spark wasn't there, and that was evident right from the start. Their date seemed more like two acquaintances chatting with no connection beyond that.

9 Michael And Heather – Nan Tien Temple

Michael talking about what he wants in a woman was one of the most adorable moments from Love on the Spectrum season 1. There were high hopes for this fan-favorite in season 2. It was a lovely date when Michael exposed Heather to one of his personal passions, taking her to the Nan Tien Temple. Although they seemed to get along and even shared some seemingly romantic moments, it seemed forced.

Heather appeared to be humoring Michael by feigning interest. She didn't seem very invested in the things Michael was talking about, perhaps because he was taking a more didactic tone instead of engaging her in the conversation. The pair did go on to meet each other's parents, but it might very well have been this date that led Heather to re-think her feelings.

8 Teo And Rosie - Brunch Date

Teo had a great first date with a boy, but it helped her realize that she was more interested in women. Her date with Rosie may not have seemed on the surface to be very smooth conversationally, but Teo said she was more comfortable on this date, and it led to her feeling that important spark.

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The feeling was clearly mutual. At the end of the season, it was confirmed that the pair became a couple and said I love you to each other, though they are reportedly taking things slowly.

7 Michael And Heather – Restaurant Date

Even though it didn't work out in the end, despite both meeting the other's parents and siblings, Michael and Heather's first date was lovely. They shared  dinner at a nice restaurant while dressed formally, and they discussed their mutual love of travel.

They even enjoyed an evening waltz outside, marking a beautiful, romantic moment that solidified what appeared to be a budding romance. In the end, however, Heather's busy schedule with school and work seemed to help bring to light that she wasn't ready for a relationship and didn't have romantic feelings for Michael.

6 Jayden And Dan - Brunching And Birds

Jayden went on a second date with a man named Dan, and it was an absolutely adorable one. From their conversation about trying to look refined while eating breakfast to their chatting with the birds (one even perched on Jayden's shoulder) to Dan helping fix Jayden's hair, the spark between these two was evident.

The pair continued to date, and it has apparently been going well, with a shared kiss revealed in the end. It's couples like them that are why Love on the Spectrum is ranked among the best reality dating shows.

5 Teo And Morgan - City Drinks

Despite the fact that the date seemed to go well, with lots of great conversation and mutual understanding, it turned out that Teo saw Morgan only as a friend. Nonetheless, the date itself was one of the sweetest and most genuine on the show.

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They shared drinks under the beautiful night sky, went for a walk to enjoy views of the gorgeous water and lights, and ended on a sweet note. By the end of the date, it seemed like they would have been a good match for each other.

4 Kassandra And Sam - Rooftop Patio Drinks

As far as first dates go, Kassandra and Sam's appeared to go swimmingly. They shared their quirks with each other while discussing their hobbies and interests over drinks on a rooftop patio. They progressed to a second date, according to the end credits of the season, but decided not to pursue things further.

Nonetheless, of the dates on the show, they seemed to have one of the most comfortable rapports with one another despite it being an uncomfortable situation for both of them beneath the surface.

3 Ronan And Katie – All Three Dates

One of the only couples from the series who continues to date, Ronan and Katie's love story on the show included three different dates, with the pair getting increasingly comfortable with each other on each one.

The car simulator date on which Ronan coached Katie on driving and avoiding the obstacles was cute. The ice cream date was even more adorable, with the couple dancing in the street while a busker played music. They even earned a round of applause from kids who had been looking on. But their best date was their third, when Ronan officially asked Katie to be his girlfriend.

2 Mark And Chloe – Second Date In The Gardens

Seeing how giddy Chloe was to meet Mark in person and go on a date with him, seemingly after seeing him in the first season and believing they would be a good match, made their first date absolutely adorable. Combined with the dinosaur she crocheted for him, the awkwardness was cut by the obvious romantic connection.

It was their second date in the gardens, however, that won the show. Fans have seen Mark go on numerous dates in those gardens, but there was a level of ease in his interaction with Chloe, who seemed genuinely interested in hearing all the facts he wanted to share about flowers. Chloe and Mark dated for some time after the show, but today they are just friends. Still, this date was one that fans who have seen both seasons had been wishing for Mark to have.

1 Sharnae And Jimmy - The Wedding

Fans fell in love with the quirky Sharnae and the sarcastic Jimmy in the first season, and the couple demonstrated that true love is possible for autistic people. They complement each other well, and the first season ended with their marriage proposal.

While their wedding wasn't technically a "date," it's more than worthy of discussion as the pair shared beautiful personal vows and pledged to devote themselves to each other fully. This episode could go down as one of the best wedding episodes on TV.

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Source: Screenrant